Captain Jack Isbester

Hard down! Hard down!

Информация о книге:

Автор книги: Captain Jack Isbester

Издательство: Ingram


Год издания: 0

isbn: 9781849954778


Hard Down! Hard Down! describes the eventful life of a Shetland man in pursuit of his ambitions – to reach the top in his profession, to find a wife, to cherish a family, to do his job well and to be respected by his peers. The account is enlivened by extracts from numerous well-chosen family letters, diaries and postcards revealing the minutiae of shipboard and family life 120 years ago. These include a bachelor night out in ’Frisco, buying slippers in Dantzig and a captain who changed his underclothes at midweek because he could not remember which weekend his wife had suggested!

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