Kayann Short

A Bushel's Worth

Информация о книге:

Автор книги: Kayann Short

Издательство: Ingram


Год издания: 0

isbn: 9781937226206


B and N ebook promotions.Free ebook promotion available to indie bookstores.Farmroots captures the nationwide interest in the burgeoning «eat local» movement and community agriculture circles.Short's peaceful prose inhabits this land-based narrative as she takes the reader back to the farm.Short is a well-connected leader in the Colorado CSA community and holds frequent events at her farm.Twenty-two small photos inspire and anchor this farm-based memoir.A specialist in ecobiography, Short taught women's studies and English at nearby University of Colorado and maintains close connections there. Torrey House Press has established relationships with Front Range booksellers who will be interested in supporting a local author.

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