Amanda Boone's Peters


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Автор книги: Amanda Boone's Peters

Издательство: Ingram


Год издания: 0

isbn: 9781456608675


Three includes three short science fiction stories: &quot;Sandman&quot; and the Twisted Trip, about jet planes battling tornadoes and a journey to find a missing scientist, The Viewer and the Missing Child, about a search for a little girl using techniques perfected by the Soviets and the CIA during the Cold War, and The Doorway to Nowhere, featuring a retired Physics professor and his calico cat, whose travels via a &quot;wormhole&quot; lead to an encounter with an otherworldly &quot;Messenger&quot;.<br><br>…&quot;Amanda Peters combines the familiar with the unfamiliar to create three science fiction stories that are unlike any before them &ndash; and they are entertaining and thought-provoking tales that are well worth the read.&quot; (NC starred review***)

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