Mumtaz Ahmad Faruqui

Anecdotes from the Life of The Prophet Muhammad

Информация о книге:

Автор книги: Mumtaz Ahmad Faruqui

Издательство: Ingram


Год издания: 0

isbn: 9781934271278


This booklet is intended to give the reader a glimpse into the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's blessings be upon him) whose message is addressed to all mankind and holds good for all times to come. The very nature of this work demands that one should study the different biographies of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, his sayings and actions as mentioned in the standard works like Sahih al-Bukhari, Muslim, etc., and make selections therefrom. The choicest and most typical of anecdotes of the Holy Prophet are presented. These will hold the readers' interest and appeal to them.

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