Kerry Tolson

Buddhas, Bombs and the Babu

Информация о книге:

Автор книги: Kerry Tolson

Издательство: Ingram


Год издания: 0

isbn: 9781925367355


Kerry's marriage is disintegrating and Sebastian is disconnected from his father. To save their rocky relationships, Kerry convinces her work-obsessed and over cautious husband Mal into taking a family holiday – wandering around Nepal is just what the three need. Kerry books nothing, plans little and anticipates a gentle 'hippy-trail' ramble. Instead, the family find themselves stumbling through a land imploding upon itself and are soon caught in the midst of bombs, crocodile-infested waters, paint-bombing monks and a kidnapping. A delightful, and at times hilarious, journey of a family finding each other, losing their inhibitions, and along the way, discovering the richness of life through the resilience of Nepal and her ever-smiling people.

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