Cliff Ryder

The Powers That Be

Информация о книге:

Автор книги: Cliff Ryder

Издательство: HarperCollins


Год издания: 0

isbn: 9781472084323


When a double agent in Cuba suddenly disappears, there's a concern that he might have gone rogue, working against Room 59 and the world at large.But one of the agency's top spymasters has a blood tie to the operative in question, which leaves him with an agonizing choice: allow the mission to be scrubbed, and leave thousands to die in the resulting bloodbath–or risk everything he knows, including his career, to keep his secret deeply buried.Room 59 is a multinational policing agency sanctioned to terminate global threats that governments can't touch. Its high-level operatives are seasoned in the dangerous game of espionage and counterterrorism. A Room 59 mission puts everything on the line; emotions run high, and so does the body count.

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