Leonid E. Popov

A Mid-Ordovician Brachiopod Evolutionary Hotspot in Southern Kazakhstan

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  A mid-Ordovician brachiopod evolutionary hotspot in southern Kazakhstan Introduction Geological setting and key sections Brachiopod associations Implications for biodiversity Localities Systematic palaeontology Acknowledgements References

      4  PLATES 1 – 21

      5  Appendix

      6  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1 Stratigraphical distribution of the Katian to Hirnantian brachiopod ...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Fig. 1. Generalised map of the West Balkhash Region and eastern Betpak‐Dala ...Fig. 2. Schematic geological map of the outcrop area of the Baigara Formatio...Fig. 3. Schematic stratigraphical sections of the Baigara Formation in the a...Fig. 4. Schematic map of the outcrop area of the Baigara and Anderken format...Fig. 5. Schematic geological map of north Betpak‐Dala (Fig. 1, localities 6 ...Fig. 6. Geological map of the area 4 km south‐west of Lake Alakol (Fig. 1, l...Fig. 7. Stratigraphical columns of the Berkutsyur Formation at the type area...Fig. 8. Geological map of the area south of the Akzhartas Granitic Massif, 6...Fig. 9. Stratigraphical column of the Berkutsyur and Kopkurgan formations in...Fig. 10. Darriwilian to Sandbian community framework for the Chu‐Ili, Betpak...Fig. 11. Cluster analysis (using Raup‐Crick Similarity) of 120 brachiopod ge...Fig. 12. Cluster analysis of the relative abundance data (using Morisita Sim...Fig. 13. Two‐dimensional Principal Components Analysis plots on first, secon...Fig. 14. Two‐dimensional Principal Coordinates Analysis plots on first, seco...Fig. 15. Variations in generic diversity (dominance, evenness, and Margalef'...Fig. 16. Correlation between the Lower Palaeozoic lithostratigraphical units...Fig. 17. A–C, E. Infurca? sp.; Baigara Formation (late Darriwilian – ...Fig. 18. A–E. Buminomena sp.; Berkutsyur Formation (Sandbian); A, Loc...Fig. 19. A–G, K. Christiania cf. C. tortuosa Popov, 1980a; A–G,...Fig. 20. A–F. Acculina? sp., Kopkurgan Formation (Katian), Locality 7...Fig. 21. A–E. Mabella sp. 1; A, Kopkurgan Formation (early Sandbian),...Fig. 22. A–E, I. Chaganella chaganensis Nikitin, 1974; Berkutsyur For...Fig. 23. A–D. Grammoplecia globosa (Nikitin & Popov, 1985); Baigara F...Fig. 24. A–D, G, H. Atelelasma sp.; Baigara Formation (late Darriwili...Fig. 25. A. Altynorthis vinogradovae n. sp. Berkutsyur Formation (early Sand...Fig. 26. A–K. Phaceloorthis corrugata n. sp.; Kopkurgan Formation (Ka...Fig. 27. A–L. Eoanastrophia kurdaica Sapelnikov & Rukavishnikova, 197...Fig. 28. A–P. Costistriispira proavia gen. et sp. nov.; Berkutsyur Fo...Fig. 29. A–H. Rozmanospira mica (Nikitin & Popov in Klenina et al., 1...


      1  Cover Page

      2  Title Page

      3  Table of Contents

      4  Begin Reading

      5  PLATES

      6  Appendix



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