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For example, from straightened gravitons and phonons, and inserted into each other, the grid of Space-Time is woven, woven.
Or, for example, atoms consist of focused, concentrated phonons and gravitons that form the atomic nucleus and outer shell.
Then the atom can be considered as a corpuscle, as a cavity filled with Fire and Light.
But back to our charges. The charge, as we explained above, manifests itself if the energy density in the ether field increases or decreases locally. But since this field is of a double binary nature, then the charge also has a double binary nature.
In general, it must be said that the whole Universe is based on a binary principle. This is the foundation, this is the pinnacle, this is the quintessence of the entire world order. This is when one whole, without fail, consists and manifests itself in the form of its two components. Two component. Two links. Two halves.
The most remarkable property of binary systems is the manifestation of the Synergy of interaction – this is when each link of the binary system individually does not represent anything special, but when these links are connected, when they interact within the binary system, additional interaction energy is released, called Synergy.
The total energy of synergistic, including binary systems, is always greater than the arithmetic sum of the energies that make up the system, but work, manifesting themselves separately.
And only when the links of the binary system interact, its remarkable property is manifested – to release additional, some kind of internal energy. Where does she come from? Yes, from gravitons and phonons. Their internal energy is huge, but we must learn how to release and use this energy.
And this happens, as a rule, when some of the ether components are compacted – or gravitons, or phonons, or both together. As it is said in “Kalagia”: “… when energy is pumped into one place when a torque is applied.”. And this is nothing but a spiral funnel – a spiral vortex of energy.
So we know that charge can be positive or negative. Now we know that the charge can also have a different nature – both phonon and graviton.
Tribocharge has a graviton nature – the charge obtained by friction. This charge manifests itself when exposed to the atomic shell. Three – we get a charge. We increase the density of gravitons – there will be a minus. And in the place where these gravitons were taken from, their deficiency turned out, the rarefaction of gravitons will be a plus.
The phonon nature has a piezo charge, – the charge received by the action on the atomic nucleus. We put pressure on the piezoelectric element, act on the nucleus of the atom – we get a charge. We extrude phonons onto the surface on one side of the crystal, increase their density in this place – we get a plus in this place. At the opposite end, respectively, there will be a minus. On the one hand, the atom pushes out phonons, but on the opposite side, to restore the energy balance in the nucleus, it draws in these phonons. And this is all the second type of charge.
Now everything seems to be collected to the heap, all the components are there. Now you just need to take these charges and make them move along the trajectories that we showed for the Centrifugal type of energy movement.
The ultimate goal is to solve the problem of pumping gravitons to one point, to a certain focus, so that when these gravitons are compacted, to force these gravitons to release the energy of Light contained within them, which, by its local presence, increases the energy density in this local zone, forming a pressure gradient, pointing outward from the focal point. And then the phenomenon of mechanical expulsion will be observed from the focus point, which can be interpreted as antigravitational repulsion.
And if this phenomenon is formed with the help of a certain generator, then the generator itself will be pushed out from this point. We obtain a solution to the “Baron Munchausen” problem.
Such a generator, if it is properly manufactured, connected to power and used, is the Rod of Hermes.
What do we see? The central trunk, which corresponds to the central channel of the image of the diagram of energy moving centrifugally.
Spiral snakes are elements of the device that form an energy torus, prescribed by Kalagia when describing centrifugally moving energy as a “Circle of Influence of Energy”.
A ball is a structural element that separates the energy flows of the Circle of Influence of Energy and the funnel of the energy flow entering the Central Channel.
Beyond the Circle of Influence of Energy, we do not exert any energy impact – everything happens autonomously, if, of course, everything is done correctly.
Now knowing that the nature of the charge can be of two types, we understand that the power of the elements of the Rod structure must also be carried out from two sources of energy that produce charges of a different nature.
But before that, you need to deal with the question: “What is it – the movement of energy?”
The term “Electric Current” immediately comes to mind. It’s not just a term – it’s an attitude – it’s a wedge driven into our heads. We absorbed this, one might say, with mother’s milk, from the school bench. We don’t doubt it. Nobody doubts.
Ask what an electric current is, and in response, thousands of voices will sing: “Electric current is a flow of charged particles inside a conductor.” In wires, this is a flow of electrons; in liquids and gases, this is a flow of ions. Everything! The beauty!
And just try to respond. They will spread far and wide. They will tear it into a small one, into a vest.
There are no streams of charged particles in conductors in the event of such a phenomenon, which we call electric current – this stream does not exist.
But then the question is: “What is it then? What carries energy? If you stick your fingers into the socket, you will immediately understand – this is energy? What then carries this energy, if these are not charged particles?
The answer is that energy in electrical circuits, with the manifestation of factors that we call electrodynamics, is transferred by longitudinal density waves that arise between atomic bonds in the crystal lattice.
If the substance of the material is capable of forming these waves inside its crystal lattice, we call such a material a conductor.
In liquids and gases – there are real ions, there is a real flow of particles of matter. But we will not touch on this. We are interested in electrodynamics. These longitudinal waves of energy look like this:
What is a wave? Let’s take the course of the school (approximately) … A wave is an ordered process of oscillation of particles forming a wave near the equilibrium position. What can a wave do? A wave, and this is the main thing, can carry energy. And since there is energy transfer, it means that the wave can exert pressure, affecting the energy density of this wave.
Yes, the wave carries energy, but the wave does not carry any particles. Oscillation of these particles “back and forth” near the equilibrium point, this wave forms, but does not transfer anything anywhere. This means that there is no current of particles and cannot be.
In this case, the circuit must be closed. And the phenomena that accompany the wave transfer of energy inside the conductor, which we know as magnetic and electric fields, are also only wave processes, but of a more complex nature and form, about which we still know little. These wave processes can also transfer energy, but these waves do not transfer any substance, some substance.
A longitudinal