through the body of the conductor. One end will then have a negative potential sign – it can be injected or compacted from it. The second end will have a positive potential sign. From it we get rarefaction, pulling out charges, reducing the density of the graviton component of the ether.
And since it is this ethereal component that is “responsible” for such a part of the Space-Time Grid as Time, and it is gravitons that are responsible for the same section of information transfer, then in the definitions of “Kalagia” we are talking about such parameters as Density and Rarefaction of Time.
Time is condensed, pumped – minus. Time is being discharged, density is being drawn out – a plus.
We figured out two parameters, but there are two more – Density and Rarefaction of Space. But this is another type of electrostatics – piezoelectrostatics. The piezo charge generator looks like this
One lighter at the end, when pressed, gives out a minus, the second – a plus. At first I just tried to charge the capacitor with these lighters. It turned out that this had to be done “until death”, and then you will not achieve the result. And how will the flow of the piezo charge in the conductor be ensured? And then came the revelation…
I suddenly clearly realized that it is possible to multiply to the required amount, fill the capacitors, and get a positive charge flow in the conductor using the same electric fork. She has no charge of her own. What was given with that and works. But first it must be completely discharged, reset. Which is what I did.
The discharger zeroed the charge of the capacitors. Then he simply shorted all the segments with a disk to each other. That is, each metal segment on one disc short-circuited with a mating segment on the second disc. All segments without exception. And then he added positive and negative piezo charges to the disks in the right place in the right segments. Everything! Then we turn the knob and the reproduction, filling and dynamics of the movement of piezo charges along the conductors began.
In this case, we are working with phonons. With a positive active charge. This component of the ethereal substance is responsible for the formation of the grid of Space, for the atomic nucleus. Filled with fire energy.
At the end of the wire, where the potential for charging the charge is positive, there the Space becomes denser. At the other end, the density of phonons is pulled out, there is rarefaction, there the Space is discharged – there is a minus.
Thus, we have obtained two more parameters of power for ethereal dynamic devices – Density and Rarefaction of Space.
Let’s move on to the Rod of Hermes itself.
In ancient times, such tombstones were laid on the graves of the Russians, who owned magia and techno-magic. The drawing on the slab is nothing but the incoming flow of nourishment to the central channel of the Wand.
Thus, we have a two-component binary power supply system for a techno-magical device similar to the Wand of Hermes. To do this, we use two electrophore generators, each of which works with its own type of charge.
Previously, when these technologies were used without problems, electrophore machines were multi-station. At least two-post, so that there are power outlets of a different nature at once.
Household electrophore generators were in many homes, like Singer sewing machines.
Inside the body of the Wand there are two channels, for two power parameters. These channels are almost straight, slightly twisted to the right.
The snakes are made of a thick conductor so that there is enough space on this conductor for the movement of each of the two streams. Moreover, these streams will go towards each other – one pulls, the second pumps. The same applies to the center channel.
At the ends of the spirals, balls are attached – the heads of snakes. This is necessary in order to twist the incoming charge flows. Now we draw the diagram.
You have to try both options. Feed each coil separately and feed both coils with a combined double potential. We draw connection diagrams.
Now let’s draw a diagram of the fields of the Rod of Hermes.
Let’s compare our scheme with the scheme from “Kalagiya”.
Everything matches.
Now the question “Why wings”? This is for control and stop. The wings are most likely made of glass. A plus is generated from friction on the glass. The wings are connected to the head. The head is in contact with the channels of the central body. The center channel is powered by a minus. Three wings or one wing – plus is fed into the Central Channel. The center channel stops or slows down. The “Beyond the circle” zone connected with the central channel also slows down or stops.
The launched Rod pumps gravitons into focus, into the Center point. This is where the compaction takes place. But the most remarkable thing is that the Rod begins to pull an excess amount of gravitons from Space into the Central Channel, which are concentrated in the focus of the Rod. An excess of gravitons forms a local zone of excess pressure in this place, which manifests itself in the form of repulsion, pushing objects placed there out of this zone. We observe the phenomenon of gravitational repulsion.
And this is only one kind of techno-magical device called the Rod of Hermes.
Electricity and heat from the ether
Our ancestors did not know electrodynamics, and therefore the mechanical drive of mechanisms was carried out through heating water and producing steam with the operation of steam engines. But even in that short period of time when both concepts, both etherodynamic and electrodynamic, existed in parallel for some time, even then the power generators were driven to generate electricity through heating water and producing steam. Just as it is now done in thermal power plants. Of course, there was also hydrogenation, but nevertheless, obtaining electricity was always associated with turning the electric generator.
This is because it was not an easy task to take and convert an etheric dynamic beam at once, directly into an electric current. More precisely, I would say that this is a simple task, but our ancestors simply did not have time to do it. There were big changes, and the etheric energy was destroyed.
Of course, anti-gravity, replication, materialization, teleportation, etc. are all very cool. But how, after all, would you like to fly to the taiga (well, or to the dacha), build a house, or just at least put up a tent, stick an ether generator into the ground, connect a converter to it and get 220 (380) volts 50 Hz in the network in the amount of power that you need, without any problems? restrictions.
The solution to this