Snook Chris

Digital Sense

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      Travis Wright

      Digital Sense

      Digital Sense

      The Common Sense Approach to Effectively Blending Social Business Strategy, Marketing Technology, and Customer Experience

      Travis Wright | Chris J. Snook

      Cover image: © Andy Roberts/Getty Images, Inc.

      Cover design: Paul McCarthy

      Copyright © 2017 by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

      Names: Wright, Travis, author. | Snook, Chris J., author.

      Title: Digital sense: the common sense approach to effectively blending social business strategy, marketing technology, and customer experience / Travis Wright, Chris J. Snook.

      Description: Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., [2017] | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2016044307 (print) | LCCN 2016057120 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119291701 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119291749 (pdf) | ISBN 9781119291718 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Internet marketing. | Internet advertising. | Digital media.

      Classification: LCC HF5415.1265 .W75 2017 (print) | LCC HF5415.1265 (ebook) | DDC 658.8/72 – dc23

      LC record available at

      “To both of my true loves, Brianne and Beckett. You ground me and inspire me daily to be more than I was yesterday, and you patiently share me with the business world, which is my other true love. I dedicate this book, and all the blood and sweat that I put into it, to you.”

– Chris J. Snook

      “To my two not-so-little ones, Jharek and Liliana. All that I do is because of both of you. Much love to you and your mom, Mari. Thanks for allowing me to be a business dude who travels around and works on all of these crazy projects. Hopefully I've taught you a strong work ethic, a true curious love of learning, and a kind, helpful approach to human interaction; and hopefully you always keep your playful nature. Keep smiling, laughing, and loving. I'll love you forever, throughout all space and time. May God and the Universe bless you, always.”

– Travis Wright


      We owe so many wise and loving people thanks for the completion of this project and wish to acknowledge them below.

      Thanks to Brian Solis for your friendship and your willingness to support our efforts with your amazing foreword.

      Thanks to our awesome team at Wiley Business, which begins with our editors, Lia Ottaviano, Lauren Freestone, and Pete Gaughan, and the entire design and development team, who helped us come up with the awesome cover and clean layout.

      Thanks to all of our peers, fellow thought leaders, and mentors (alive and dead) who have influenced us and the content of this book with your wisdom. You all inspire us to be lifelong learners and ever-more curious with each waking day. Love you all! Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, Joseph Murphy, Charles Haanel, Maxwell Maltz, Elon Musk, Sinan Kanatsiz and the entire Internet Marketing Association family, Danny DeMichele, Charlene Li, Brian Solis, Gerd Leonhard, Peter Diamandis, Tony Robbins, John Lennon, George Carlin, Nikola Tesla, Eckhart Tolle, Steve Jobs, Woz, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, John Battelle, Michael Arrington, Bob Proctor, Adam Yauch, Peter Drucker, Steven Levy, Marc Andreessen, Jay Adelson, Randi Zuckerberg, Biz Stone, Jeff Clavier, Chris Pulley, Adrienne Goss, Dan Loiacano, Josh Eliseuson, Mia Dand, Kare Anderson, Bill Murray, Jonathan Shaun, Dirk Hacker, Joel Comm, Lori Ruff, Peter Kay, Wendy Sweetmore-Hinton, Bryan Kramer, Bernie Borges, Julio Viskovich, Roland Smart, Tristan Bishop, Zoya Fallah, Allen Kelly, Mike O'Neil, Mohit Maheshwari, Jason Ary, Dave Fluegge, Ramsey Mohsen, Zena Weist, Koka Sexton, Jon Ferrara, Jason Miller, Danny Sullivan, Michelle Robbins, Elisabeth Osmeloski, Chris Sherman, Vala Afshar, Matt Heinz, Didier Bonnet, Chris Elwell, Sean Moriarty, Matt McGee, Brett Tabke, Paul Graham, Kelsey Jones, Brent Csutoras, Kevin Rose, Anil Dash, Arnold Aranez, Kinmun “Mr. Brown” Lee, Hillel Fudd, Walter H. Jennings & Ren Zhengfei of Huawei, Jeremiah Owyang, Pamela Parker, AJ Wilcox, Jason Falls, Kevin Mullett, Kristi Hagen, Casey Markee, Stephen Mahaney, Alan Bleiweiss, Rand Fishkin, Tim Ash, Bryan Eisenberg, Jeffrey Eisenberg, Shelly Kramer, John Jantsch, Blake Miller, Brian Clark, Liz Strauss, Dan Zarrella, Michelle D'Attilio, Shawn Elledge, Stewart Rogers, Robert Scoble, Jennifer Wong, Jeffrey Hazlett, John Swartz, Andre Bourque, John Rampton, Dave McClure, Sarah Austin, Bill Hicks, Dennis Yu, Tiffany DiPanni, Mike ‘Bubbles’ Smith, Gary Langston, Carol Rydell, Toby Evans, Terence McKenna, Tim Ferriss, Maria Lucent, Alister Ku, Antonia Silas, Chris Kovac, Mother Earth, God, the Universe, Kyle Moody and Lisa Bowman of Bowman PR, Rick Astley, Mike Ramsey, Jean Grey, Alex Grey, Alex Scoble, Alex Petrides, Dr. Gary Jones, Joey Knight, Steve Moser, Dave Kinison, Keith Leff, Mitch Hedberg, Nicole Schreiber, Lazlo, Randy “Macho Man” Savage, Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Tim Curtis, Rhonda Shantz, Anabella Watson, Hugh MacLeod, Ian McCleary, Zeina Khodr, Melina Gouveia, Jeremy Knibbs, Yen Japney, Pam Kozelka, Leslie Carruthers, Drew Hendricks, Inspector Gadget, Doc Brown, Carrie Royce, Pam Hedger, Alan Mundey, Larry Binggeli, Mari Smith, Reid Hoffman, Joe Chernov, Sarah Lacey, Kara Swisher, Chris Heuer, Peter Kim, Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell, Scott Brinker, Anita Brearton & Sheryl Schultz of CabinetM, Lisa Qualls, Simon Kuo, Kristi Colvin, Allen Gannett, Brett Glass, Jill Rosen, Waldo, Dominique O'Hara, Karl Geisler, Mayur Gupta, Mike ‘Jortsy’ Gelphman, Gary Vaynerchuk, Eric Mitchell, Corey Ganzman, Tamar Weinberg, James Hanusa, Alison Raby, Allison Paige Presley, Soren Gordhamer, David Berkowitz, David Armano, Jasmin Brand, Avinash Kaushik, Chris Brogan, Jeff Scult, Akhil Anumolu, Imran Khan, Mary Meeker, Jason Calacanis, George Lucas, Danuska Bartak,