Jeremy Moskowitz

Group Policy

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p>Jeremy Moskowitz

      Group Policy: Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop

      Group Policy

      Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop

      Third Edition

      Jeremy Moskowitz


      Copyright © 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

      Published simultaneously in Canada

      ISBN: 978-1-119-03558-9

      ISBN: 9781119035671 (ebk)

      ISBN: 9781119035688 (ebk)

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      Senior Acquisitions Editor: Kenyon Brown

      Development Editor: Sara Barry

      Technical Editor: Alan Burchill

      Production Editor: Elizabeth Campbell

      Copy Editor: Judy Flynn

      Editorial Manager: Mary Beth Wakefield

      Production Manager: Kathleen Wisor

      Associate Publisher: Jim Minatel

      Book Designers: Judy Fung and Bill Gibson

      Compositors: Craig Woods and Kate Kaminski, Happenstance Type-O-Rama

      Proofreaders: Jenn Bennett, Jen Larsen Word One New York

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      Project Coordinator, Cover: Brent Savage

      Cover Designer: Wiley

      Cover Image: © Mehmet Hilmi Barcin / iStockPhoto


      For L, A, M, J, B, E, J, and E as we journey through life together. – Jeremy


      I want to thank Alan Burchill for the second time in taking on the not-so-glamorous job of technical editor. I’m really glad to have you on my team, helping me clean up the little messes I made during the writing process and taking on a heavy responsibility. Note: If there are still any technical problems with the book, blame me, not him. Alan was awesome.

      I want to thank Sara Barry for taking my initial chapters and kneading them from a wad of dough into tasty pizza. And to Elizabeth Campbell, who has worked with me through every major project to completion for almost 15 years now. We joke that she’s “been making Jeremy sound like Jeremy since 2001.” And it’s mostly true. Thank you.

      Special thanks to my Sybex and Wiley compatriots: Ken Brown, Mariann Barsolo, Jim Minitel, Mary Beth Wakefield, and everyone else on the Sybex/Wiley team. Once again, your dedication to my book’s success means so much to me. You take everything I create and deal with it so personally, and I really know that. Thank you, very sincerely.

      Thanks to Jeff Hicks, PowerShell MVP, who helped me write Appendix A on Group Policy and PowerShell. Jeff, you did a smashing job as usual. Thank you.

      Thank you to Microsoft Group Policy team and the Group Policy MVPs who support me directly and indirectly, and help me out whenever they can.

      Thank you, Mark Minasi, for being a trusted friend and a great inspiration to me personally and professionally.

      A special thanks to my and PolicyPak Team: You are awesome and it’s great to work with you every day.

      Finally, I want to thank you. If you’re holding this book, there’s a good chance you’ve owned a previous edition, or multiple previous editions. Thank you for your trust, and for purchasing and repurchasing each edition of this book I work so hard to bring you each time.

      When I meet you, the reader of this book, in person, it makes the hours and hours spent on a project like this vaporize away to a distant memory. Thank you for buying the book, for joining me at my live events and at, and for using my PolicyPak software. You all make me the best “me” I can be. Thanks.

      About the Author

      Jeremy Moskowitz Group Policy MVP, is the founder of and PolicyPak Software ( He is a nationally recognized authority on Windows Server, Active Directory, Group Policy, and Windows management. He is one of fewer than a dozen Microsoft MVPs in Group Policy. His is ranked by Computerworld as a “Top 20 Resource for Microsoft IT Professionals.” Jeremy is a sought-after speaker and trainer at many industry conferences and, in his training workshops, helps thousands of administrators every year do more with Group Policy. Contact Jeremy by visiting or
