
The Flood

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The Flood



      Behold how kind and merciful

      Our heavenly Father was,

      To bear so long with sinful men,

      Who had transgressed His laws.

      The hearts of men wax'd worse and worse,

      They disobeyed the Lord;

      They followed their own thoughts, nor walked

      According to His word.

      And men were multiplied on earth,

      They spread both far and wide;

      And there were giants in those days,

      Who did God's law deride.

      The Lord look'd down from Heaven to see

      If there were any good;

      Behold they all were turn'd aside,

      Sin tainted all their blood.

      Yet still the Lord was good to them—

      He gave them sun and rain,

      And every blessing, yet their hearts

      Were foolish, wicked, vain.

      There is no sin so base as that

      We call ingratitude,

      To use those ill, with wicked hearts,

      Who seek to do us good.

      And when the Great and Holy One

      With kindness stoop'd to bless

      The sorrows of a sinful world,

      And pity their distress;—

      'Twas vile ingratitude in them

      To act so wickedly,

      And spurn the mercy of the Lord,

      The great, the good, the high.

      God's goodness leads us to repent,

      And give our folly o'er;—

      And if we use His kindness right,

      We'll go and sin no more.



      But God is just as well as good,

      He will not always strive;

      He will assert His sovereign right,

      Nor let the sinner live.

      He does not seek the death of one

      Of all the sinful race,

      Yet He will not forever bear

      With those who slight His grace.

      His mercy is forever sure,

      His justice too must stand,

      And people must obedient be

      To what He does command.

      So when the world so wicked proved,

      And wander'd from the Lord,

      And with most stubborn hearts refused

      To hear His sovereign word;—

      He bore with patience long and kind,

      Their steady wickedness;

      But did at last withdraw His grace,

      And leave them in distress.

      He gave them up to their own hearts,

      To work their own desire;

      He threatened them with judgment vast,

      And kindled was His ire.

      "My spirit shall not always strive"—

      Jehovah sternly said—

      A Flood I'll bring which will destroy

      All things that I have made.

      "Why should they live in guilt and wo,

      And all my words despise;

      Their every work, and every thought,

      Is loathsome to my eyes."

      When God provoked, in anger speaks,

      Who can His word withstand?

      His heart is full of holiness,

      And strong is His right hand.



      One righteous man was found on earth,

      And him Jehovah loved;

      His thoughts, his words, and all his deeds,

      Were by the Lord approved.

      He kept himself away from sin,

      Nor walk'd with wicked men;

      He loved the God who reigns on high,

      Nor did he love in vain.

      His family he train'd to know,

      And love and serve the Lord;

      And they were safe in keeping all

      The great Jehovah's word.

      The Lord remembered Noah's walk,

      And did not him condemn,

      When, for the wickedness of men,

      He did aloud proclaim,—

      That He would rain upon the earth

      An overwhelming flood;

      But choose him and his family—

      And firm His counsel stood.

      The Lord forever shows regard

      To those who love His ways,

      They vindicate His righteousness

      And ever show His praise.

      So He would not destroy this man

      Who walk'd with Him in love,

      But promised him that He would give

      Protection from above.

      Then Noah's fervent heart was fill'd

      With grief for sinful men;

      Yet though God's judgment was severe,

      He could not once complain.

      He pitied the sad state of those

      Who had despised the Lord;

      He saw that God would punish them,

      According to His word.



      Jehovah unto Noah said:—

      "I will destroy the earth,

      For violence is in the land,

      And wickedness and mirth.

      "Men's hearts are full of laughter wild,

      Their lives are full of sin;

      And I will send destruction swift,

      And show my power divine.

      "I'll rain upon the earth a flood,

      And drown men in the storm,

      And they shall find no arm to save,

      Amid their fearful gloom.

      "But thee I have found true and good,

      A follower of my ways;
