Talbot Mundy
Om: The Secret of Ahbor Valley
Published by
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2018 OK Publishing
ISBN 978-80-272-4860-5
Table of Contents
Chapter I "Cottswold Ommony...is no Man's Fool."
Chapter II Number One of the Secret Service
Chapter IV "I Am One Who Strives to Tread the Middle Way."
Chapter V The House at the End of the Passage
Chapter VI "Missish-Anbun is Mad"
Chapter VII "Sarcasm? I Wonder if that ever Pays."
Chapter XI "All this in the Space of One Night"
Chapter XII "All Things End—Even Carriage Rides."
Chapter XV The Roll-Call by Night.
Chapter XVII Diana Rehearses a Part
Chapter XVIII Diana Adopts Buskins
Chapter XIX A Message from Miss Sanburn
Chapter XXVI Ahbor Valley Gate
Chapter XXVII Under the Brahmaputra.
Chapter XXVIII The Lama's Home
Chapter XXX The Lama's Story (continued)
Chapter XXXI The Jade of Ahbor
Tides in the ocean of stars and the infinite rhythm of space;
Cycles on cycles of aeons adrone on an infinite beach;
Pause and recession and flow, and each atom of dust in its place
In the pulse of eternal becoming; no error, no breach
But the calm and the sweep and the swing of the leisurely, measureless roll
Of the absolute cause, the unthwarted effect—and no haste,
And no discord, and nothing untimed in a calculus ruling the whole;
Unfolding; evolving; accretion; attrition; no waste.
Planet on planet a course that it keeps, and each swallow its flight;
Comet's ellipse and grace-note of the sudden firefly glow;
Jewels of Perseid splendor sprayed on summer's purple night;
Blossom adrift on the breath of spring; the whirl of snow;
Grit on the grinding beaches; spume of the storm-ridden wave
Hurled on the north wind's ice-born blast to blend with the tropic rain;
Hail and the hissing of torrents; song where sapphire ripples lave
The crest of thousand-fathom reefs upbuilt beneath the main,
Silt of the ceaseless rivers from the mountain summits worn,
Rolled along gorge and meadow till the salt, inflowing tide
Heaps it in shoals at harbor-mouth for continents unborn;
Earth where the naked rocks were reared; pine where the birches died;
Season on season proceeding, and birth in the shadow of death;
Dawning of luminous day in the dying of night; and a Plan
In no whit, in no particle changing; each phase of becoming a breath
Of the infinite Karma of all things; its goal, evolution of MAN.
Chapter I
"Cottswold Ommony...is no Man's Fool."