Saifullah Syed

Promoting Investment in Agriculture for Increased Production and Productivity

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       Promoting Investment


       Saifullah Syed and Masahiro Miyazako

      Prepared under the Japan Trust Fund project Support to Study on Appropriate Policy Measures to Increase Investment in Agriculture and to Stimulate Food Production.

      March 2013

      Rome, Italy

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      A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library, London, UK.

       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Syed, Saifullah.

      Promoting investment in agriculture for increased production and productivity / Saifullah Syed and Masahiro Miyazako.

      p. cm.

      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      ISBN 978-1-78064-388-5 (alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-9251075883 (FAO) 1. Agriculture--Developing countries--Finance. 2. Agriculture--Economic aspects--Developing countries. I. Miyazako, Masahiro. II. Title.

      HD1417.S94 2013



      Published jointly by CAB International and FAO

      Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

      Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy


      ISBN: 978 1 78064 388 5 (CABI)

      ISBN: 978 9 25107 588 3 (print) (FAO)

      E-ISBN: 978 9 25107 589 0 (PDF) (FAO)

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       Abbreviations and acronyms

       Executive summary

       CHAPTER 1


       CHAPTER 2

       The concept and definition of investment

       2.1 What is investment?

       2.2 Distinction between investment and expenditure

       2.3 What is capital?

       CHAPTER 3

       Investment in agriculture for increased production and productivity

       3.1 Investment for on-farm agricultural capital stock

       3.2 Investment by the public sector

       3.3 Investment in agro-industry for agricultural development and growth

       CHAPTER 4

       Empirical measurement of investment in agriculture: the evidence from available data and information

       4.1 Level and trend of investment for on-farm agricultural capital stock (ACS)

       4.2 Agricultural capital stock per agricultural worker

       CHAPTER 5

       Who invests for farm-level capital formation?