Keaton Albertson

The Anti-Therapist

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      The Anti-Therapist

      Interrogations and Interventions with Sex Offenders

      Keaton Albertson

      Copyright © 2012 Keaton Albertson

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      For those who strive to drain society’s cesspool.

      May you never get your hands dirty.


      I would like to thank my esteemed colleagues and coworkers with whom I collaborated to make this account as accurate as our collective memories could serve. We may not have done much good while working with the detritus of humanity. But we sure had fun trying. Here’s to you guys!


      I started working as a treatment facilitator for sex offenders at an inpatient mental health institution shortly after I finished college. My initial job duties included interviewing the likes of goat fuckers, urinal lickers, and fecal masturbators for the purposes of gathering sexual history information from the patients who were housed at the facility. The biographies that I acquired through my interrogation sessions were used to assign the appropriate clinical interventions for the chomosexuals who were court ordered to undergo treatment at the institution. Interacting with this population of pariahs provided me the opportunity to encounter some of the most perverse persons ever to be squeezed out of a festering vagina.

      Becoming intimately acquainted with perverted losers is not a very rewarding career, especially when most chesters see nothing wrong with their aberrant deeds, enjoy engaging in their paraphilias, and never cease the sick behaviors that got them locked up in the first place. The vast majority of society feels no need to accommodate molesters in any capacity and most people would prefer that such wastes of skin would be better off exterminated and dumped into a landfill somewhere. Those who can tolerate working with such creepers and freaks usually burn out quickly and seek other jobs in a less intrusive environment. It is a rare occurrence for an inpatient treatment facility, such as the one where I was employed, to have staff members who are enduring enough to work effectively with these twisted bastards and who remain dedicated to their jobs long enough to make a difference. A select few of my coworkers were of this sort and I forged friendships with these elite individuals. For awhile, we felt as though we were doing something good for society by keeping predators out of the surrounding community through providing impactful treatment interventions to rectify their behavior. And perhaps we did offer some corrective support for a short period of time. But such an objective requires competent corporate leadership and efficacious management. We had neither.

      Included in the pages that follow are transcripts of interviews that I conducted with real patients whose identity has been concealed for the purposes of their confidentiality. To parallel these transcripts, I have integrated anecdotal accounts of my personal endeavors with colleagues and managerial staff both inside and away from the office. You will find that some of the content included here is utterly disgusting and may seem too grotesque or bizarre to be true. But therein lies the frightening reality behind the work. I can assure you that I did not fabricate or embellish any of the content that proceeds forth. I oftentimes wish that I did. Because that would mean that there are no real people like those that I present here who are out walking the streets of your neighborhood, teaching your kids at school, bagging your food at the grocery store, or staring at you while you walk through the mall. Sex offenders of this caliber exist. And they are in plentiful numbers. Here is a sample of their stories and of some treatment providers who tried to redirect them.


      One of the first patients whom I had assigned to me as a noob treatment facilitator was also one of the most sickening wankers whom I have ever had the misfortune to interview. Not only was this particular shit bag wading waist deep in sexual paraphilia, but he enjoyed his compulsions to the extent of convincing himself that his activities were normal and widely conducted by others, including myself. So it was, I began conducting sessions with this wretched man while being initially exposed to the perverse world of sex offenders.



      KEATON ALBERTSON: Go ahead and have a seat there—anywhere is fine.

       LENNY LATRINE: [quickly sits down in one of the chairs across from office desk and nervously glances about room]

      KEATON: Do you know what we have to do today, Lenny?

       LENNY: [focuses gaze upon facilitator] Yeah, you’re going to talk to me about sex stuff like last time.

      KEATON: Right. But so far we’ve been talking about your current behavior. Today we need to talk about your past, including some of the things that got you here. Is that okay?

       LENNY: Yep. Then I can take a lie test!

      KEATON: Once you make a full disclosure of your sexual history then I will schedule you for the polygraph examination. But I don’t want you to rush through this stuff. It’s very important that we get it right. That way, when I present your report to the polygraph examiner, all he has to do is ask you if your account is accurate. You won’t have to go through the details again as long as you get it all out the first time with me.

       LENNY: [grins widely and claps hands together] Alright! I can do that. Then I can get out of here, right?

      KEATON: That part isn’t up to me, Lenny. That’s up to your judge.

       LENNY: But he’ll listen to you. You can tell him I’ve done good.

      KEATON: Yes, the judge will probably follow my recommendation concerning your length of stay in the treatment program. But I don’t want to get your hopes up. You have some pretty serious charges here. You’re lucky that you’re not in prison.

       LENNY: I just got out of jail!.

      KEATON: [leans across desk] I’m talking about something longer than two months, Lenny. The time you spent in there was a vacation compared to what the judge could have sentenced you for.

       LENNY: But he wouldn’t do that. My judge is nice. He’s a nice man.

      KEATON: That’s right. Your judge is a nice man. So we don’t want to make him upset now, do we? He’s ordered to you finish this treatment program. And a big part of the program is the polygraph. But I don’t want you thinking that this is the last step. The polygraph is the beginning of treatment, not the end. The information that we get from the test will determine what type of treatment you need and how long you stay here. Just because you pass the test doesn’t mean that you get to immediately return home to your family. Do you understand?

       LENNY: [looks down at floor in disappointment] I guess so.
