Rechey Davidson

Following Elvis

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      Over 40 years ago my wife and I traveled to Memphis to see Graceland and maybe luck into seeing Elvis out making his nightly rounds that we had heard so much about. While hanging around the gates of Graceland, we met a friend in Memphis that had been keeping a diary of the goings on around the Graceland gates and the fun she had chasing Elvis on his nightly rounds. She had moved to Memphis with her family in 1975 and started hanging out at Graceland. She soon was “hooked” on Elvis. She loved being able to see Elvis as he came and went from Graceland to the local movie houses or gyms in town. She told us all about her gathered information and how she wanted to write a book about all the fun she had. I helped her put this all together in a neat little book that sold several thousand copies. That book was I Got Ya, Elvis, I Got Ya. She stopped keeping a diary after that but I didn’t. Recently I decided I wanted to continue reporting on all our adventures because Elvis’ popularity seems to be just as strong as ever. Also, I have hundreds of photos taken at various concerts and I think real Elvis fans would like to see and have some of these previously unreleased photos.

      In that regard, I now present the continuing adventures of several people who enjoyed following and seeing Elvis not only on stage, but roaming around his favorite Memphis. I have continued the format of writing used in the original book, but due to Betty’s lack of an up-to-date diary, most of her reactions are fictionalized based on memories and conversations we had at different times. So, in Betty's memory, I have told this story from her point of view. I think you will enjoy this sequel as much as the first book. And now, enjoy Following Elvis!

      Please send comments to: 10040 P.R. 3814, Quinlan, TX 75474 or [email protected]

      Elvis Got Away

      Elvis was gone. The great Memphis concert of July 5, 1976 had just finished and Elvis had truly left the building and I was completely exhausted. All that jumping up and down had worn me out. I can imagine how Elvis must feel after these tours. No wonder he has to rest up for a couple of weeks.

      The “Raised on Elvis” fan club members that had come up with Brenda from Garland made their way down to our seats. Jill had shook Elvis’ hand. Judy caught a scarf --- and her seat was on the 40th row! Brenda climbed upon a chair and shook Elvis’ hand while she was considering jumping up on the stage and grabbing him.

      The most talked about song was “Softly.” That was an emotionally-packed song.

      Soon the auditorium had thinned out so we decided to try and find where Elvis was staying and hang around the hotel. We had already heard rumors he wouldn’t go to Graceland. The fans were so thick around the gates he couldn’t get in.

      As luck would have it though, we couldn’t find the slightest trace of where he got off to. Elvis wanted to hide after a Memphis concert. That is one place where fans from all over come to see him perform. And I knew why after that concert, WOW! I still can’t get over it, the effect he has on you.

      We drove by the airport and the Lisa Marie was still there --- all quiet and closed up. He was still in town. We drove by Graceland, but there was no need stopping. I’ve never seen so many fans flocking around the gate. No, I don’t think he’d try coming home. We decided there was no way to find him tonight.

      Brenda, Rechey and the other fans from their club went back to their motel and we went home. We told Brenda and all good-bye because they had to leave first thing in the morning and I was too tired to get up early just to say goodbye.

      Boy, I sure had good dreams that night. I relived that concert over and over all night. The next morning I was as exhausted as when I went to bed. That instant replay was as good as the original --- almost. Of course, I would have much rather gone back for another dose of the real thing. Maybe next time I’ll get to kiss him!

      That night James and I were back at our regular post at the gate hoping for a chance to see Elvis again. The crowd had thinned out considerably from the day before, but there were still more fans there than normal. Harold told us Elvis still hadn’t come back home. He was still hiding out.

      Since it was during the week and Elvis wasn’t expected back, we went home early. Already I was having withdrawal pains. It had been over 20 hours since I had seen Elvis, and I was feeling like it had been 20 years. I had to see that man!

      I guess he didn’t hear me though (or maybe he did!). Elvis sneaked back in at 4:30 in the morning. And stayed in!

      He stayed inside that house until late the night before his next tour began. If he came out during those two weeks, he sneaked out because none of the fans at the gate ever saw him leave. There were so many cars coming and going all the time, he could have easily sneaked out. I sure didn’t like that, but I guess I don’t really have that much control over him after all. Elvis has so many gadgets up at Graceland he just doesn’t need to leave. He has videotapes, movie projectors, a complete gym, a barber area, everything. Why leave?

      Brenda sent me a letter a few days after the Memphis concert dying to know what Elvis had been doing since the concert. I was sorry to write her back and say Elvis had just not been coming out. That was bad for me and the other fans at the gate. In fact, it seemed like every night there were less and less fans hanging around. Everyone seemed to feel all Elvis plans to do any more is just rest up between tours. The way he has been touring lately, he hasn’t had much time for anything else but resting. But that’s what makes me keep coming back! Maybe, just maybe, he was just doing that to get rid of some of the fans so he could come out and not be mobbed. But I know better than that. So, I just kept coming back and waiting and waiting --- but no Elvis.

      It has got to be boring just staying in the house so much. Why doesn’t he come out? I won’t hurt him! I could even make him laugh by doing something crazy like taking a picture of my own face again.

      July 22nd rolled around and Elvis had not come out since returning home from the Memphis concert. I knew his next tour started the next day, so he had to come out soon, even if it was just for the trip to the airport.

      That evening, I was at Graceland earlier than normal. I just knew he was going to leave tonight. I was going to catch a glimpse of him finally. I was aching from lack of seeing Elvis. I had my camera ready. I tell you this can really get nerve-racking. You look at Graceland, then at your watch, then at the other fans watching their watches or the house. You frown and grit your teeth while pacing back and forth, and look at the house again. The whole time that little voice in the back of your mind keeps telling you “He’s got to come out. Open the door! Where are you, Elvis?”

      Then someone came running past the gate yelling, “There he goes! He came out the back!”

      Talk about panic! Everyone scrambled for their cars and took out after Elvis’ limousine. You have to be brave to get out on the streets when Elvis is out! Cars are bumper to bumper at 60 miles an hour. Everybody tries to be first in the same lane at the same time. You would think someone had just lit a fuse to a ton of dynamite the way they left the gate.

      Of course, James and I were in our truck right in the big middle of all the traffic. We hot-rodded down to Winchester and turned toward the airport. Elvis’ limousine was already over the rise. All we could see was a few fans’ cars speeding down Winchester.

      By the time we got to the airport, Elvis was just going in the door of the Lisa Marie. We ran to the fence and strained to see, but it was too late. He was already safely inside and they were pulling the debarking stairs away.

      The jets were whining louder and louder, the on-board lights were all on, the tail was lit up showing off that golden TCB and lightning bolt. You could feel the excitement in the air. It was like electricity. You just knew something exciting was about to happen.

      The jets whined louder as the dozen or so fans crowding around the fence yelled and waved. I had mixed feelings; telling myself darn for missing him, but excited about watching the Lisa Marie taxi down the field knowing he was on board.

      Suddenly, the plane shook as the brakes were released and it started to roll, slowly turning away from us. Everyone screamed and waved even harder.
