Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.

The Miracle of the Images

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      Every now and then a little miracle is in order. Some see them, some feel them, some pray for them in every corner of the world, Aldo Selleri prayed for his identity.



      Cover Design By River Cottage Studio Manufactured in the United States First Printing, June 2018

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      Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data

      Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.


      In the history of mankind, there has never been a woman who has made a more indelible mark on the conscious of the world than Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Perhaps because she was born of human flesh, suffered the range of emotions which all of us feel: Love, hate, passion, neglect, need, pain, death...she more than any has felt the need to remain in touch with humanity throughout the past two thousand plus years. She appeared in person and through intermediaries, countless times at Fatima and Lourdes, to the most unlikely cast of characters to remind, that there is a greater tomorrow.

      Once again, in 1942 Mary rewards an elderly childless couple living on a farm in rural Ohio. Every day throughout their marriage they have prayed the rosary asking Mary for a miracle...to send them a child. They believed that just as Mary's cousin Elizabeth, barren for many years, and now nearly three score, has been blessed by the power of the Holy Ghost to deliver the child to be called John that would pave the way for The Christ. They believed and prayed that this miracle would be shared with them as a vehicle for goodness.

      The miracle comes to them in the form of a homeless, destitute, seriously ill immigrant Italian who has found her way to the United States illegally; searching for her husband whom she knows has fathered her four year old son. The old couple give the woman and child refuge from the storm but find the mother, too weak (from the perilous journey by sea in a freighter) to survive. The old couple, report the death to the authorities but they keep the child as a gift from God, calling him "Theodore".

      Ted (aka, Aldo Selleri) is precious...a talented painter, which his adopted mother encourages...on August 15, 1955...Ted discovers that he is to be the instrument of the Blessed Lady in the form of a faceless image of the Holy Family. A messenger appears to Ted and tells him that the Holy Mother has requested that he paint a simple portrait of the Holy Family...and when he protest of his lack of skill...(as did Mary... "How is this possible since I have been with no man?") he was told not to be concerned with the images of the Holy Family. The Angel informs Ted that in fifty years (2005) the first miracle would occur revealing the precise imagine of Mary and Joseph. Thereafter in 2055 the face of the Christ would be revealed.

      And so it was...Ted the painter, as Joseph the carpenter, applied the techniques of their craft...we are all aware of what happened to Joseph. This story contains a great deal of fiction to make it of interest... carries as well, a great deal of truth borne as fiction to give it legs. You the reader will have to determine what is real and what is not, to fit your imagination. Just as other great historically significant books have presented fact and fiction such as the "The DaVinci Code", the reader is entertained, educated and left for the thirst for another great novel.

      But is this just a fictional novel, or has the author and painter become the unwitting accomplice in a divine message on the end of times... as the theologians contemplated the significance of the painting and its connection to the dates associated with the Book of Revelations...was the author inspired or where the dates associated with the founding of the State of Israel in 1948, the vision given Aldo Selleri in 1955 and partially fulfilled in 2005 with the promise that the painting of the divine family will be fully revealed in 2055.

      Meet the cast of characters: the priest from the Vatican and the Holy Father; the parish priest at St. Augustine; the romance interest; the villainous lawyer; the maniacal killer; the housekeeper and her children; the farm hands; the ethical lawyers and prosecuting attorney; meet the bit players from waitresses, the Polizia, the Concierge, the book store clerk and other memorable characters who lend their character and give life to the book as it develops its own color and vigor.

      The author has captured a drama of life and death, of love, hate, greed, of need, of remorse and reconciliation for life with truth, honesty, hard work and spirit of giving to others and the community at large.

      We believe this is a very special book...it will make you smile, make you cringe with fear, make you wonder of all that you have known and been taught...it will make you glad that you took the time to come to know "The Miracle of the Images."


      I remember the first time I met Aldo Selleri, it was September 10, 2005. He came to the parish rectory to have his confession heard. Or so, I was lead to believe was the case. Whatever the reason, I clearly remember the conversation with my secretary / housekeeper...Mrs Clarice Hartman.

      "Mrs Clarice..." said I, "are you aware that on the coming Saturday, my beloved Notre Dame football team will give battle with the arch enemy Michigan at 12:30 in the afternoon?"

      "You know Father Francis...we of St. Augustine do not care...and I might add...sir that our Lord and savior himself cares not one iota...who wins that football game." Said she.

      "Ah...it is true my dear Mrs Clarice...but I must inform you that the Blessed Mother cares."

      "So I'll be asking ye' Father Francis...will the Blessed Mother be replacing ye' in the confessional on Saturday...or perhaps there is another belated saint of whom I am unaware that plans to be in your stead?"

      "Mrs Clarice, you are the dearest Irish lady that I know since the passing of my own beloved Mother...not only have you fed and protected me in days gone by...but you have been able to manage my workload in a manner which has been enabling in my passion for football."

      "It is true Father Francis...but not even I, am properly blessed to hear the confessions of the parish here at St. Augustine on Saturday afternoon."

      "It is true Mrs. Clarice...I am on duty but at the last count only a single party has called for the confessional...and could you not reschedule for 5:00 in the afternoon?"

      "No Father...I am afraid that will be quite impossible...you see Aldo Selleri has no telephone and I do not know where he lives."

      "No way to run a ship Mrs. Clarice."

      "Lets say Aldo shows up at 1:00...would it not be possible for you to ask if he could return...or failing that if he would agree to come to the rectory to watch the football game and have a bit of lunch?"

      "Certainly Father...anything for you and our beloved Blessed Mother."


      The Letter to Father Francis came in an innocuous looking brown envelope. At first the good priest did not believe the seal of the Vatican. But then he noticed that the envelope had been initially cancelled at the Vatican Post Office. The date of the cancellation was September the first. Not so bad Father Francis thought...after all... only eight days from Rome.

      Father Francis was seated at his desk in the rectory. He had a cup of hot coffee, delivered to him by Mrs Clarice along with the mail...he noted that she lingered above him...watching over his shoulder as he separated the mail. She watched as he gazed at the large brown envelope...marked 'For Eyes Only'. She watched as Father Francis shuffled the mail passing over the brown envelope.

      Curiosity was compelling...but she knew better than to suggest that the envelope would not go away...and she knew as well that Father Francis was waiting for her to do so.

      So she thought to herself...I'll just have to see it when I do the filing...smugly she left the room for other Saturday morning duties.


      Father Francis watched the mystery man coming up the walk. He looked to be of average height for a