Richard Lowe

Time to Rethink

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      What does that mean, Are we actually applying it right. Because when time Actually started,we would have to look in many different areas to find the answer into that because time doesn't really exist,it was only something that was put together for mankind to keep a record of things, So there for really theirs no such thing as time.

      If we research this in many different areas we can come to Understand that time does not exist at all and all things are actually happening Now.

      is that true or false, it is something that man has made up, is there really such thing as time.When we talk about time, is it really relevant to what we call time on Earth, or is it the time that the Creator was actually created.Well, I don't Know really Because we have to clarify things, we will start by looking at the Universe,Now we say well the Creator created the Universe, Well, where was the Creator before that? Now you can see how Different Questions can get Quite Confusing, so therefore we look and presume that when we talk about time or the beginning ,we must relate it directly back to the Creator itself. Now, unfortunately, the Creator didn't have a Watch, so therefore, he couldn't tell the time as we know it, so if we wanted to look a little bit further and start doing a little more research, They say in the Universe once we get past all the planets and stars we come to nothing. There"s nothing there I find that surprising because if theirs nothing there how are you there.How can a spaceship so satellite or probe adventure into the Universe and enter the area of nothing, because nothing cant exist just because we can't see something with our actual human eyes, it does not mean that there isn't anything there? So when we talk about the beginning and time,we need to actually clarify in which area we are actually relating that too. Now most commonly people relate to time as in the present or a little back into the past. In this Book that we have put together, we have to go a little bit further back into that, and place ourselves into the area of what we call the time slot of the Creator. We say, the creator takes many Different forms, and if you look at today's Religions we have many different kinds, we have many statues and figurines and called by many different names with beliefs.

      Now we have to look at that little part, as we know if we have all these different forms of the Creator which one is true because you see my opinion there can only ever be one true creator, how do we come to that conclusion, something created the start. Now you've heard of people using the saying what came first the chicken or the egg that get many people to start thinking, it doesn't actually matter it's just something people say because they can't look beyond that certain point.

      The Creator is a massive source of Energy, its as simple as that which can be proven if you actually go further, I will go into that area later on in the book.

      The Creator itself is a massive source of Energy that created, now we can say he created many different forms of images representing various Gods, and that is why so many different Religions have different shapes and different forms of their God, there wasn't all of a sudden all these Gods in the Universe. the beginning of time no one will ever truly know or understand at this present point of time because it is only relevant to the limit of your imagination, or we could say to the ability of your own spirit or true identity whichever words we wish to actually place to it, So we make a start we going to talk about the Creator now,

      The Creator as I have said is a massive amount of Energy that created , now we can check through different Bibles, and so forth. you know the creator created Adam and Eve, and so on, for now, that might be 100% true, but what confuses me is they say Satin tempted them, and that's why they started to take notice of each others body, and from there they started to have Children. Well if they weren't meant to have Children why did the Creator give them the parts to Reproduce. But it does not stop there the Children also so reproduced with there Brothers and Sisters which means the Creator allowed incest to happen, but later on one went off somewhere to get himself a wife, Where did these others come from, see it's confusing even from the start, but this was OK back then because he wanted more of us so he could also learn from us, therefore he must have created more then one Adam and Eve, and by the way the names Adam,Eve,Satan are not real names, because, at that time they did not speak English or Latin or Hebrew, those names were given later by more so-called advanced mankind. Because if we look back, they say we were cavemen and only grunted.

      And when each child is born it has a part of the Creator in it, and it's called a soul or Spirit. We all know that mankind themselves are not capable of actually creating a physical form, that is a full physical form that means every atom and molecule, and don't think that Cloning is Creating because it's not, it's only making a copy, So consequently they were created, and that is where the beginning of man started from, and we all know when we look back, the Human race as we know it, has spent most of their time killing or thinking of ways to destroy, not only mankind but the plant life as well. our history hasn't been that crash hot with all the things that man and woman have actually done throughout time.

      I was told a story once by a friend of mine who is a Native American,

      The great spirit said I gave you the water to wash yourselves and to drink, but you poisoned it. I gave you the trees to keep your air clean, but you cut them down, I gave you the Animals to teach you how to live with Nature, but you killed them, I will always be here for you, but you must call for me from your pure heart.

      From this small begging have we learned anything, well i say yes even with our dark history we have moved forward, but what do i mean by that, As i have said before everything is energy, and that means everything, and energy grows, as we are apart of the Creator's energy we develop as well, what do I mean, we grow yes real energy which is your beginning , some call it spirit, soul, higher self whichever is best for you, from each life we have grown.


      Look at it like this, your real self is like a seed when you plant it, and look after it right it will grow full of beautiful flowers or fruit, but if you don't do the right thing looking after it , it's growth is slow. And that is where the saying comes from, your an old soul or a young soul or you can tell he's been here before.

      Don't understand yet well, you know when we plant something, it grows in seasons, some parts just grow and makes more leaves, then buds, then flowers, then they die and drop off, and there is only a stick left, But next season it starts all over again, that is just like the life we live and grow then we die and go back to being just energy and later we come back again, got it now. Now we know we are apart of everything if we look back most of our Indigenous cultures talk about it , Talking trees, spirit Rocks, moon, sun,wind, water, stars, birds, Animals.

      Some killed animals and cut their heart out to eat , some would wipe it's blood over there body or drink their blood so they could obtain the strength and spirit of the animal, which is their energy. If we look at most of our past we have always believed in a higher being or God or things to give us strength, a Talisman was made with excellent care and placing all the right energies into it or a charm or prayer, which means calling on a higher energy to help us. So now we should understand that we are all energy and everything around us is energy. And you can't destroy Energies, and it is everlasting, and when the Creator created you, That means you are a part of his energy and every living thing is apart of the same energy, So when Jesus said who is my Mother, My brother that is what he meant, for he was saying we are all mothers ,Fathers and Brothers to each other. And when the Jews asked him who is your God and he replied my God and I are one, they didn't understand what he was saying, and thought he was saying he was God, Which would have been right because Jesus was apart of God so there for a part of him is God, but he said we are one which meant i am a part of God,( so we are one )


      If you have a cake and cut it into pieces and share it around you all get a piece of cake, so you have cake because it has come from the larger cake, which means you have had cake and when you eat the cake it is apart of you now.

      What we have to remember is, we all need to allow our minds to open up and think freely about the beginning