Raymond E. Feist

Shards of a Broken Crown

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By The Same Author

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       Character List

      ACAILA – leader of the eldar, in the Elf Queen’s court

      ADELIN – elf in Elvandar

      AGLARANNA – Elf Queen in Elvandar, wife of Tomas, mother of Calin and Calis

      AKEE – Hidati hillman

      AKIER – Lieutenant on Royal Bulldog

      ALETA – young disciple in Temple of Acrh-Indar

      ASHAM IBIN AL-TUK – Keshian General

      AVERY, RUPERT “ROO” – merchant of Krondor

      AVERY, KARLI – wife of Roo

      BOYSE – Captain of Duko’s forces

      BRIAN – Duke of Silden

      CALHERN, THOMAS – acting Lieutenant of Palace Guard

      CALIN – elf heir to the throne of Elvandar, half-brother to Calis, son of Aglaranna and King Aidan

      CALIS – “The Eagle of Krondor,” special agent of the Prince of Krondor, Duke of the Court, son of Aglaranna and Tomas, half brother to Calin

      CHALMES – ruling magician at Stardock

      CHAPAC – twin brother of Tilac, son of Ellia

      D’LYES, ROBERT – magician from Stardock

      DE SAVON, LUIS – former soldier, assistant to Roo

      DELWIN – constable in Krondor

      DESGARDEN – swordsman in Krondor

      DOKINS, KIRBY – snitch in Krondor

      DOMINIC – Abbot of Ishapian Abbey at Sarth

      DUGA – mercenary captain from Novindus

      DUKO – General in the Emerald Queen’s Army

      DUVAL, MARCEL – squire from Bas-Tyra

      ELLIA – elf in Elvandar, mother of Chapac and Tilac

      ENARES, MALAR – servant discovered in wilderness

      ERLAND – brother to the King and uncle to Prince Patrick

      FADAWAH – former general commanding the Emerald Queen’s Army, self-styled “King of the Bitter Sea”

      FRANCINE “FRANCIE” – daughter of the Duke of Silden

      GREYLOCK, OWEN – Knight-Marshal of the Prince’s Army

      HAMMOND – Lieutenant in King’s Army

      HERBERT OF RUTHERWOOD – scribe in Port Vykor

      JACOBY, HELEN – widow of Randolph Jacoby, mother of Natally and Willem

      JALLOM – Captain of Duko’s army

      JAMESON, JAMES “JIMMY” – elder son of Arutha, grandson of James

      JAMESON, DASHEL “DASH” – younger son of Arutha, grandson of James

      KAHIL – Fadawah’s intelligence chief

      KALEID – ruling magician at Stardock

      LELAND – son of Richard of Mukerlic

      LIVIA – daughter of Lord Vasarius

      MACKEY – Sergeant of Palace Guard

      MATAK – old soldier in Duko’s command

      MILO – owner of the Inn of the Pintail in Ravensburg, father of Rosalyn

      MIRANDA – magician and ally of Calis and Pug

      NAKOR THE ISALANI – gambler, magic-user, friend of Pug

      NARDINI – Captain of captured Quegan ship

      NORDAN – General in Fadawah’s army

      PAHAMAN – Ranger of Natal in Elvandar

      PATRICK – Prince of Krondor, son of Prince Erland, nephew to the King and Prince Nicholas

      PICKNEY – clerk at Krondor

      PUG – magician, Duke of Stardock, cousin to the King, grandfather to Arutha, great-grandfather to Jimmy and Dash

      REESE – thief in Krondor

      RICHARD – Earl of Mukerlic

      RIGGERS, LYSLE – the Upright Man, leader of the Mockers

      ROSALYN – Milo’s daughter, wife of Rudolph, mother of Gerd

      RUDOLPH – baker in Ravensburg, husband of Rosalyn, stepfather to Gerd

      RUNCOR – Captain of Duko’s army

      RYANA – dragon shape-changer, friend of Tomas and Pug

      SHATI, JADOW – Lieutenant in Erik’s company

      SHO PI – former companion of Erik and Roo, student of Nakor

      SONGTI – Captain of Duko’s army

      STYLES – Captain of Royal Bulldog

      SUBAI – captain of the Royal Krondorian Pathfinders

      TALWIN – spy for Arutha

      TILAC – twin brother of Chapac, son of Ellia

      TINKER, GUSTAF – prisoner with Dash, later Constable

      TOMAS – Warleader of Elvandar, husband of Aglaranna, father of Calis, inheritor of the powers of Ashen-Shugar

      TRINA – female thief, Daymaster of the Mockers

      TUPPIN, JOHN – thief with lumpy face, leader of Krondor’s “bashers”

      VASARIUS – Quegan noble and merchant

      VON DARKMOOR, MATHILDA – Baroness of Darkmoor, grandmother to Gerd

      VON DARKMOOR, GERD – Baron of Darkmoor, son of Rosalyn and Stefan von Darkmoor, nephew to Erik

      VON DARKMOOR, ERIK – Captain of the Crimson Eagles

      WENDELL – Captain in Krondor

      WIGGINS – Patrick’s Master of Ceremony