Elle James

The Witch's Seduction

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      Deme Chattox is eager to return home and start her new job on the Chicago PD’s paranormal task force. As a witch, she’s got special insight into the city’s supernatural underworld. And as an added bonus, her partner is also her lover, Cal Black.

      Deme can’t wait to pick up where their off-the-charts chemistry left off, but she senses a change in Cal. Though the sex is hotter than ever, she doesn’t need mystical powers to know there’s something he’s not telling her. Something that threatens their budding relationship, and their latest case…

      The Witch’s Seduction

      Elle James



       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven


      Chapter One

      “Look! There she is!”

      Deme Chattox smiled as she stepped off the escalator into the baggage claim area of Chicago O’Hare Airport. All four of her siblings stood in a group. Each one of the Chattox sisters were so different in looks and personality, no one would guess they were related.

      But Deme knew. Even when they weren’t nearby, she felt their presence, sensed when one of them was in trouble and shared their emotions from happiness to sorrow, more intensely than normal humans.

      Truth was, the Chattox sisters and all the sisters on the Chattox side before them weren’t normal. They were witches. Once Deme had railed against the differences. Now she embraced their uniqueness. Not everyone was as in tune to the world around them, nor could others wield magic like herself and her siblings.

      “We missed you so much.” Aurai, the youngest, engulfed her in a bear hug so tight Deme could barely breathe. A wisp of wind swirled around her, a sure sign of Aurai’s emotions. The young woman had so much power at her fingertips, sometimes it scared Deme.

      “Hey, loosen up a bit. I was only gone a month.” Deme laughed and hugged her little sister, smoothing her hand over her long, silky hair. “I missed you too. How’s college?”

      Aurai laughed. “Much better without a monster in the cellar.”

      Deme frowned. “Any other weirdness going on at Colyer-Fenton?”

      Aurai shook her white-blond head. “Not since the initiation. I’ve kept busy studying and flirting with the hot guys.”

      Deme sighed. “As it should be for any college student.”

      “Hi, Deme.” Selene shook back her thick, chocolate brown hair. She wore one of her signature flowing broomstick skirts and peasant-style blouses, all soft and feminine compared to Deme. Selene wrapped her arms around Aurai and Deme, smiling softly. “I’m so glad you’re moving back to Chicago. We’re not the same when you’re gone.”

      “Let me have some of that love.” Gina grinned, her sea-green eyes sparkling as she slid into the group hug.

      “Hey, Sis. About time you came home.” Brigid crossed her arms over her chest, her black leather jacket swooshing softly. She looked like a badass biker chick, but Deme knew it was a front to protect her big heart from being broken.

      Deme held out a hand. “Get over here.”

      Brigid’s cheeks reddened, but she complied, completing the clutch of woman, all hugging.

      Deep inside, Deme could feel the rightness of having all of them together. They were meant to be close, to live in the same city and be a part of each other’s lives. Her time in St. Croix had only added to that conviction. With so many miles between them she’d been a shell of herself, running a business she had no passion for.

      “Okay, okay, let her have some air.” Brigid was the first to back away.

      Deme caught her hand and Aurai’s. The women formed a circle of joined hands. Then whispering quietly so that others wouldn’t hear, Deme lead a prayer to the goddess.

      “With the strength of the earth

      With the rising of the wind

      With the calm of the water

      With the intensity of fire

      With the freedom of spirit

      The goddess is within us

      She is power

      We are her

      We are one

      Blessed Be.”

      Her sisters repeated, “Blessed Be.”

      Aurai let go first, heading toward the luggage carousel. “Let’s collect your bags and get you home.”

      Deme followed more slowly, walking in step with Brigid. “How’s everything been in Chicago? Anything I should know about?”

      Brigid worked in a motorcycle shop in the heart of the city and moonlighted for the Chicago Police Department. If something was happening, she’d know. “Guess you heard they captured Vladimir Romanov?”

      Deme nodded. Cal had filled her in during their last telephone conversation, several days ago. “Cal said it took some doing. Did they get enough evidence for the Tribunal to put him away?”

      Her sister nodded. “The knife he used to kill Franco Ledet and an eyewitness to the murder.”

      “It’s hard to believe anyone would come forward and testify against Vladimir. He’s about the worst of the worst paranorm mafia there is.”

      “Lucky us to have him in Chicago.” Brigid shrugged. “If it had been me, I’d have dusted him on sight. This waiting for the Tribunal to punish him leaves too much time for him to plot his escape.”

      Deme shot a sideways glance at her sister. “Think he’ll get out of the paranormal holding cell?”

      “There’ve been rumors.” Probably from Brigid’s sources at the bike shop. “Most say he won’t make it to the Tribunal. He’ll either get out, or all the evidence will disappear. Or both.”

      “Can’t let that happen.” Deme stared across the baggage claim area, noting the people gathered close to watch for their bags. Old, young, mothers, fathers, grandparents and children. Having a badass demon thug like Vladimir off the streets would be a blessing. “I’ll check with the chief when I get to the station.”

      “Huh?” Deme’s youngest sister spun, nearly tripping over her own feet. “You’re going by your apartment first, aren’t you?”

      Deme smiled at the expectant look Aurai gave her. “Sorry, sweetie, I need to check in with my new boss first. I was supposed to be on the job two weeks ago.”

      “Then it can wait another twenty-four hours.” Gina hooked Deme’s arm. “We just got you back. And we’re not letting you go, yet.”

      Deme’s heart swelled with the amount of love she had for her sisters. “I promise I’ll spend time with you soon. But I really need to get to the station.”