Jan Colley

In the Arms of the Rancher

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leaned closer, against the station, his voice a bare, husky whisper. “Word of honor, I’ll be good.”

      Kate relented. “Okay, Hawk, I’ll have dinner with you Monday evening.”

      “That has got to be the hardest I have ever worked to get a date. What time and where can I pick you up?”

      There was no way Kate was giving him her home address. “You can meet me here. Is seven-thirty okay?”

      “Fine. I’ll see you then.” He raised a hand as if to respectfully touch his hat, which wasn’t there. Grinning at her, he lowered his hand, gave a quick wave, turned and strode from the restaurant.

      Bemused by his attractive smile, salute and even more so his laughter, Kate stared after him, kind of scared, kind of excited. Had she done the right thing in accepting his invitation, or should she have refused? Should she stay firmly hidden behind her barrier of mistrust for men?

      Fortunately, Kate was temporarily relieved of the weight of the conundrum by the door opening to a family group exactly on time for their reservation.

      By eleven forty-five, Kate, along with the other employees and the boss, had finished getting the place cleaned, the tables set and everything ready for the next day, Saturday, one of their busiest days.

      As he did every night while the other male employees escorted the waitresses out, Vic walked Kate to her car, which was parked in the employees section of the parking lot. Kate used those few minutes to question Vic.

      “Why did you tell your friend Hawk my days off?” She kept her voice free of inflection.

      Vic slanted a wary look at her. “He asked. Are you angry at me for telling him?”

      “No.” Kate shook her head as she came to a stop next to her car.

      “Just annoyed with me,” he said. “Right?”

      Kate met his direct gaze and smiled. “A bit, yes,” she admitted. “You know how I feel about…” She paused, giving him a chance to speak over her.

      “Yes, Kate, I know how you feel about men in general and what’s-his-name in particular. And I respect that.” He shrugged. “But Hawk isn’t any man in general, and not just because he’s my friend. Hawk’s one of the good guys, honey.” He grinned. “You know, the ones who wear white hats in the cowboy movies.” His grin widened. “Besides, I warned him that if you happened to accept his invitation, and he got out of line, I’d have to kill him.”

      Kate had to smile. “Well, I…um…I did agree to have dinner with him Monday evening.”

      “Good. It’s time for you to get out and about again. Flirt a little. Hawk will love it, after being stuck in the mountains all summer.”

      “I’m sure I’ll enjoy his company, Vic.” Kate said. “But I don’t believe I’mready to flirt yet, if ever again.”

      “Well, if not this time, then sometime. Just relax and enjoy a little.” He glanced at his watch. “Now, I’d better be getting home to Lisa…before she starts getting suspicious.”

      “As if.” Kate laughed. “Thanks, Vic. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

      He waited until she had slid into the car, locked the doors and started the engine. With a quick wave, Vic headed for his own car.

      Kate sat for a minute before pulling out of the lot. Although Vic’s recommendation helped, she still felt a little nervous about the date with Hawk.

      Drawing a deep, determined breath, she released the hand brake and drove away.

      Two more days until Monday.

      Excitement and trepidation pushed at her mind. Fortunately for Kate, Saturday evenings and Sunday brunches were always the busiest times in the restaurant. She barely had time to take deep breaths between greeting and seating patrons, never mind long enough to let herself indulge the nervous twinges playing havoc with her stomach.

      Kate was relieved when it was finally time for her break Sunday evening.

      She felt her entire body tighten with nerves when Vic joined her in the small employees’ break room next to the noisy kitchen.

      “Instead of enjoying a quiet break,” he said, eyeing her critically, “you look as if you just heard terrifying news.” His tone was only half kidding. “Would you like me to get in touch with Hawk and tell him you’ve changed your mind?”

      Yes. The word immediately slammed into her mind. But Kate gritted her teeth, damned if she would chicken out.

      She gave her head a quick shake. “No. I’ll confess I’m a little nervous.” She tried on a smile; it didn’t fit. “But I have no intention of backing out of the date. I’m going to go and I’ll enjoy the evening, as well.” What a liar, she chided herself.

      Vic’s slip tightened as if to suppress a smile. She could tell he knew exactly how ambiguous she felt about spending the evening with Hawk…or with any other man, come to that.

      Fortunately, Vic changed the subject and Kate managed to maintain her composure until quitting time.

      Monday, 7:25 p.m.

      Kate stood next to the hostess station, chatting with Bella. She was early. She had arrived at the restaurant soon after seven. She was also nervous. She felt foolish about her anxiety, but there it was, like it or not.

      Bella was seating customers. Kate was casting quick glances at the doorway, chiding herself every time she did, which by now was too often.

      Kate glanced up as Bella returned to the station, just in time to see the young woman’s face light up with a bright smile.

      “Hi, Hawk,” Bella said, quickening her step to launch herself into his open arms.

      For an instant, a heartbeat, Kate felt the strangest emotion. She couldn’t describe it exactly, but then, she didn’t want to examine it, either, refusing to even think the word envy.

      She allowed another word into her mind. Breathtaking. Hawk looked absolutely breathtaking. This evening he was dressed casually elegant in dark gray slacks, a crisp white shirt, no tie and a navy blazer.

      Kate was relieved that she had taken extra time with her own attire. She had chosen a frilly-collared, long-sleeved sage blouse, a long, swirly nutmeg skirt and three-inch heels. While the days were still warm and even sometimes hot in October, the evenings dropped into the fifties and even the forties, so she had brought the same smooth fleece shawl that she had worn at work the previous night.

      Bella swung out of Hawk’s arms as a party of two entered. Hawk switched his dark gaze to Kate.

      “Hi.” His voice was soft, enticing.

      Kate had to swallow before she could manage a rusty-sounding response. “Hi.”

      He slid a long glance the length of her body. “You look lovely.”

      She swallowed again. “Thank you. “Y-you look lovely, too.” Good grief, Kate thought, feeling foolish. Had she really said that?

      Hawk strolled to the hostess station, a smile flickering on his temptingly masculine lips. “Hungry?”

      Watching his lips move, Kate felt as if the bottom had fallen out of her stomach. And in that moment she was hungrier than she’d ever been in her adult life. Yet the last thing on her rattled mind was food.

      “Yes.” She tried to unobtrusively wet her parched lips. “Are you?”

      His eyes narrowing, he watched the slow movement of the tip of her tongue. “You have no idea,” he murmured, reaching out a hand to take hers.

      “W-where are we going?” Kate felt a flash of annoyance, not at Hawk, but at herself for the brief stutter again. Damn, she didn’t stutter. Never had, not even briefly.

      Hawk grinned. “Right here.