Jim Smith

Barry Loser is the best at football NOT!

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      First published in Great Britain 2018

      by Egmont UK Ltd, The Yellow Building,

      1 Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN

      Text and illustration copyright © Jim Smith 2018

      The moral rights of Jim Smith have been asserted.

      First e-book edition 2018

      ISBN 978 1 4502 8714 2

      Ebook ISBN 978 1 7803 1803 5



      A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library

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       Title Page

       Mogden Maniacs

       Queenie down

       Queenie’s drawer

       Home time

       Loser family laptop


       Coach Loser’s nursery for Crying Freakoids

       Plurgle Flurgle

       Mogden School Tuck Shop

       Saying goodbye


       Saturday school

       Number one skills

       Team building

       Revenge of the squirrel


       Staff room

       Group hug

       The tiny little tuck shop

       Dinner dames only

       Millions & billions of teapots

       Sleeping bollard

       Nose brushing


       Bouncy castle bum

       What now?

       Avocado Hill Stadium

       The big game

       Barry the Maniac

       About the author and drawer

       Some of my good reviews:

       Back series promotional page