5 1. Money Talk Regimes of Value Money and Markets The Argument of this Book
7 2. Land Law, Land and Property Land Use Regulation in the UK Ideology and Moral Climate The 1970s Watershed
8 3. Bodies The Dead Body The Live Body Public Health National Insurance The National Health Service The 1970s Watershed
9 4. Books Specialness Booksellers Become Publishers The Golden Age The Good Book: Culture and Ideology The 1970s Watershed
10 Part Two: Resistance to Commodification
11 5. Sacredness and Property Tradable Objects Economic Subjects Property
12 6. Moral Regulation The Morality of Markets State Intervention and Moral Regulation The Varieties of Moral Regulation The Problem of Scale The Leakiness of Moral Regulation
13 7. Moral Climate, Ideology and Intellectuals The Structural Position of Intellectuals Relative autonomy Cultural authority Networks Moral Climate, Audiences and Social Movements Ideology Conservatism with Socialism as Moral Climate Ruskin, Wells, Eliot and Mannheim Decline and Fall – or Change?
14 8. Moral Complexity The Long Century and After Moral Complexity and Hostile Worlds Transactional Orders
15 References
16 Index
1 Cover
2 Contents
1 ii
2 iii
3 iv
4 vii
5 viii
6 1
7 2