Nicole Cooke

When Love is Unfinished

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      When Love is Unfinished

      Nicole Cooke

      Copyright © 2019 Telerrance Cooke

      All rights reserved

      First Edition


      320 Broad Street

      Red Bank, NJ 07701

      First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2019

      ISBN 978-1-64531-795-1 (Paperback)

      ISBN 978-1-64531-796-8 (Digital)

      Printed in the United States of America

      Table of Contents






























      In the memory and honor of Nicole Powell-Cooke

      “Cancer Warrior”


      “I know he just didn’t cut me off. Man, I hate motorcyclists!” Ashley thought. “They think they own the road, he better chill because that Yamaha is no match for this Lexus! Omg! And He didn’t put his blinker on! He is really asking for it! Calm down, Ash, it’s too early to have road rage, just pull over at this 7-Eleven and get your gas and coffee and get to work safely!”

      “Dag, I’m running late as usual, on my first day!” Derrick stated. “I’m sorry, Ms. Lady. I didn’t mean to cut you off, but I have to get this exit, with your cute self!”

      “Ashley! So glad to see you! How was your weekend?” Ms. Richmond was Ashley’s boss. She was the best boss one could have. She was in her early fifties, but you wouldn’t know it. She was a diva in her own right, sophisticated and fly!

      Ashley often says, “Ms. Richmond, I want to be like you when I grow up!”

      “Oh, hey, Ms. Richmond, my weekend was okay, short but okay. Great I hope you got enough rest, we have a new hire and I need you to put on your charm and train him, I choose you because you are the best one here for the job, and my personal favorite but you didn’t hear that from me! Aw Ms. Richmond thank you. I wanna be like you when I grow up! Giggled Ashley.

      “Ms. Richmond there’s a Derrick Robertson here to see you.” Please send him in Judy. Judy cut her eye at Ashley, from day one these two could not get along, Ashley returned the look. Now, now ladies let’s set a good example for the new hire! Yes ma’am, Judy answered all the while turning her nose up at Ashley. I don’t know why she be trying me Ms. Richardson, she won’t be satisfied until I knock a knot on her head. Sweetie don’t let her get you out of character. But what Ms. Richardson didn’t know was that it was Ashley’s character to bust a bit©h in the mouth when needed.

      Ashley grew up in the heart of Baltimore City on the eastside of town; she was the youngest of three. Her dad was a hard worker at the local plant for foreign motors, and took pride in his family and their well-being. Mr. Charles Purnell didn’t play when it came to his family, he would often say, “Don’t play with my money, my family, and my cars!” It would sound funny, but he was serious as a pit bull with AIDS. Ashley was a daddy’s girl. She could get anything she wanted if it was in her dad’s power; however, she couldn’t get away with just any ole thing, especially not doing well in school. Ashley’s mom was a stay-at-home mom. Charles, being the country man that he was, didn’t believe in nobody else raising his children, so he refused to let Patricia work, didn’t matter if she did graduate third of her class from Morgan State University. Ashley’s older brother CJ and her older sister Chanel were the best-dressed kids on the block, and were often the target of bullying, so they thought. One time CJ had some trouble on the basketball court. Bankey, the neighborhood’s bad boy, wanted to crack slick. CJ wasn’t a fighter, but he was wasn’t no punk either. One particular day Bankey pushed CJ a little too far and got the beatdown of his life, and what made it worse, Ashley and Chanel jumped in when Bankey’s sister tried to help her brother out. Patricia was so upset. “Chuck we can’t have our children out here fighting like animals, somebody is gonna get hurt!” Somebody did get hurt! But it wasn’t our kids, he laugh. Chuck I’m serious! Okay, okay…you heard your mom no more fighting, Ashley that mean you too, ’cause you look like you’ll knock a knot on somebody’s head, I want you to behave like a nice little lady, but don’t let nobody punk you he whispered and grin at Ashley and she just smiled back. Yes, she was definitely a daddy’s girl!

      Knock, knock, knock. Come in, welcome Mr. Robertson! Please Ms. Richmond, call me Derrick, he replied. Well Derrick allow me to introduce you