Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine

The City of God, Volume II

Информация о книге:

Автор книги: Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine

Издательство: Bookwire


Год издания: 0

isbn: 9783986771485


The City of God, Volume II Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine – «The glorious city of God is my theme in this work; which you; my dearest son Marcellinus; suggested; and which is due to you by my promise. I have undertaken its defence against those who prefer their own gods to the Founder of this city;a city surpassingly glorious; whether we view it as it still lives by faith in this fleeting course of time; and sojourns as a stranger in the midst of the ungodly; or as it shall dwell in the fixed stability of its eternal seat; which it now with patience waits for; expecting until „righteousness shall return unto judgment;“ and it obtain; by virtue of its excellence; final victory and perfect peace. A great work this; and an arduous; but God is my helper.» -an excerpt

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