Jackson Gregory

Under Handicap

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Автор книги: Jackson Gregory

Издательство: Bookwire


Год издания: 0

isbn: 4066338123442


'Under Handicap' is a tale of character-building, grit and gumption in the desert of Southwest. Two young men, Tommy Garton and Conniston, struggle to overcome their respective handicaps—the former is disabled while the other lacks tolerance and integrity being the spoilt son of a multi-millionaire father! What is in store for these unusual pair of «friends» in an unforgiving ranch lifestyle? Will they succeed or lose irrevocably? Excerpt: "Outside there was shimmering heat and dry, thirsty sand, miles upon miles of it flashing by in a gray, barren blur. A flat, arid, monotonous land, vast, threatening, waterless, treeless. Its immensity awed, its bleakness depressed. Man's work here seemed but to accentuate the puny insignificance of man. Man had come upon the desert and had gone, leaving only a line of telegraph-poles with their glistening wires, two gleaming parallel rails of burning steel to mark his passing."

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