Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Return of Tarzan (Edgar Rice Burroughs) (Literary Thoughts Edition)

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Автор книги: Edgar Rice Burroughs

Издательство: Bookwire


Год издания: 0

isbn: 9783741816772


Literary Thoughts edition
The Return of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs

"The Return of Tarzan", written by Edgar Rice Burroughs and published in book edition in 1915, is the direct sequel of «Tarzan of the Apes» (see our Literary Thoughts Edition). The earlier events made Tarzan feel rootless, why he leaves America for Europe to visit a friend. Paul d'Arnot. On the ship Tarzan makes acquaintance with Count and Countess de Coude. Nikolas Rokoff, brother of the latter, becomes Tarzans deadly enemy. After serving as a special agent in Algeria for the ministry of war, Tarzan returns to the jungle and gets adopted in a tribe of native warriors. Jane on the other hand gets kidnapped by a party of beast-men.
All books of the Literary Thoughts edition have been transscribed from original prints and edited for better reading experience.
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