Рим Дик

Space: one hundred one story of surrealism

Информация о книге:

Автор книги: Рим Дик


Издательство: Издательские решения


Год издания: 0

isbn: 9785005976208


Here you will meet Sercules and Plumbledore, the engineer’s mole, Penacchino and Freshdie Furger who keeps his secrets in boxes, a traveler’s bat through the universes, a spider looking for a house in space, cannibal socks, ponies eaters of evil spirits, wizard whales, giant gnomes, physicists’ stools and much more.. Cyborgs and teleporters, vampire atoms, copycat shadow, speed train worm… This book is a rest, an invention, but an invention; that are truly unique and beautiful. Check it out!

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