L. M. Ollie

Life & Death In an American Harem

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Автор книги: L. M. Ollie

Издательство: Ingram


Год издания: 0

isbn: 9780473259846


Based on true events which took place in the early 60&#39;s, this is a story that confirms the truth of the adage &quot;Be careful what you wish for&quot;. <br><br>Determined to leave behind a life of poverty, Lizzie Lambert dreamt of becoming a high-class call girl, &quot;just like Elizabeth Taylor in Butterfield 8&quot; &mdash; beautiful apartment, lovely clothes, dripping in furs and jewels. It was a dream typical of a young girl who has nothing. But as everyone knows a true courtesan is discreet, intelligent and well-educated in a wide variety of special skills and that takes time and dedication. <br><br>Lizzie was just sixteen when she first met Merhot Capritzo, a man who was not only charismatic but extremely dangerous. He was an accomplished lover who would teach his &quot;Lilly&quot; everything she would need to know in the comfort and safety of his Boston harem. There she would meet other girls each with their own story to tell; each with their own dream for a better future but there were others there too; girls who, for various reasons, were doomed. This is their collective story.

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