Kate Chopin

At Fault

Информация о книге:

Автор книги: Kate Chopin

Издательство: Ingram


Год издания: 0

isbn: 9781420944792


Kate Chopin (1850-1904) was an American novelist and short story writer who is being increasingly recognized as a forerunner to the feminist authors of the twentieth century. Chopin wrote short stories which were published in such magazines as «Atlantic Monthly», «Vogue», and «The Century Magazine», as well as two novels. Her stories were typically set in Louisiana, particularly New Orleans, and reflected her experiences there during her marriage when her husband allowed her to act unconventionally, smoking and going about unescorted. In her early novel, «At Fault», Chopin is just starting to delve into the psychology of her characters – a skill that she would hone and garner praise for later. It is an intensely focused story about propriety, love, the realities of marriage, and recovery from the Civil War. Chopin's literary career was sparked by the publication of «At Fault», and readers have consistently enjoyed her rich regional descriptions and depictions of fiercely independent women.

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