Дженнифер Хейворд

Carrying The King's Pride

Информация о книге:

Автор книги: Дженнифер Хейворд

Издательство: HarperCollins

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

Год издания: 0

isbn: 9781474043533


A marriage for the monarchOne last New York night with Sofía Ramirez was all Prince Nikandros Constantinides allowed himself before returning to Akathinia after a dreadful accident took his brother’s life. But before the royal rebel is crowned Nik discovers that he didn’t leave Sofía behind alone!In a baby’s heartbeat Nik turns Sofía’s world upside down and whisks her away to his Mediterranean kingdom. Dissolving a politically perfect engagement is not what Nik – or his country – had in mind, but this proud Prince will do whatever it takes to legitimise his new rule… with a wife and child!

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