Linda Thomas-Sundstrom

Wolf Bait

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Автор книги: Linda Thomas-Sundstrom

Издательство: HarperCollins

Год издания: 0

isbn: 9781408906385


Psychiatrist Jenna James loved Matt Wilson since her first day of work at Fairview Hospital.Though Matt left to become a detective for Miami P. D. , they still carried on a red-hot affair. . . until Matt suddenly became unreachable three months ago. So when a young woman is brought to the hospital exhibiting frightening physical changes, Jenna calls Matt–just to see him again, even if he can't help her patient.But Matt does know what's wrong the woman. She's been bitten by a werewolf. . . just as he was three months ago. Matt's willing to help the girl deal with her transition, though doing so will expose his own beastly secret. . . and may cost him Jenna's love.

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