John Denham Parsons

Our Sun God - The History of Christianity Before Christ

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Автор книги: John Denham Parsons

Издательство: Bookwire


Год издания: 0

isbn: 4064066384814


"Our Sun God – The History of Christianity Before Christ" traces down the origins of the Judeo-Christian monotheism and the idea of one God. The author presents numerous similarities between the sole Judeo-Christian God and various forms of sun gods. From a Broad Church Point of View Pauline Christianity From a Gnostic Point of View Christianity in Existence Before Christ The Beginning The Hebrew Scriptures The Sun-god Iaou (Jehovah) Non-Jewish Evidence Concerning Iaou The Origin and Date of Genesis The Sun-god of the New Testament Sun-god Worship in the Days of the Fathers The Sun-god of Philosophy

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