Ivo Ragazzini
Rome's Ruby Red Line
Original title: I Segreti del Rubicone
Translated by: Rosemary Dawn Allison
© "Secrets of the Rubicon"
© 2018 Ivo Ragazzini
First paperback edition November 2018 -- Montag Edizioni
Second paperback edition September 2020
First digital edition August 2019
Second digital edition September 2020
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Where the Rubicon lay was also the road to Rome
The conversation between Caesar and Hortensius continues
Caesar's arrival in Cesena (Curve Caes Arena)
The disposition of Caesar and Pompey's troops
Mark Anthony, Hortensius and Caesar's plan
Caesar's political plan for Rome
Caesar climbs the Colle Garampo to observe Pompey's troops
Curva Caes Arena -- Caesar's circular arena
The Gallic legions arrive and begin to resettle the land in Romagna
La Caveja the symbol of Romagna
A Flamen comes to threaten Caesar telling him not to dare cross the Rubicon
The conversation between Caesar and the Flamen
The Flamen curses the Rubicon border
Superstition makes Caesar free a few horses on the Rubicon to make them cross the forbidden border
What was happening beyond the Rubicon among Pompey's ranks?
The mysterious caves of Santarcangelo di Romagna
The elections for the Chief Consul of the Year in Rome
Arriving in Rome, Caesar's men set about seeking alliances to influence his election
The festivities for the Head of the Year -- The New Year
Caesar secretly arranges the plan to attack the Rubicon
Caesar pulls back to Ravenna far from the Rubicon
The day before the attack on the Rubicon
Caesar crosses the Rubicon and takes Rimini by surprise
The Urgon Malanotte and the Caligaes cemetery
Pompey's troops on the Rubicon surrender to Caesar