Amanda Kelly The Ivory Gate of Dreams Dieses eBook wurde erstellt bei Inhaltsverzeichnis
“The dream is the soul´s very own sphere of action.”
(The author, 2009)
“In a beautiful sea with strong movement of waves a whale moved in his courses, up and down. At the beach a woman was lying down and did her gymnastics. The dawn was breaking. A big, white tiger appeared. The tiger flaunted along the beach. The woman lifted one leg in the air. The tiger snapped at her foot. The woman remained calm despite of the pain. The tiger passed by and disappeared. I was standing in front of a big window on a brick-work wall of a great house at the street in front of the beach. I was watching all of that astounded and scared at the same time.” If you ask yourself, how one can interpret this dream, you are quite right here. This beautiful, but also frightening dream one can naturally only explain, if you know the background story of the person, who had the dream. It dealt with a woman who has spent her holidays at the sea with a beach. She lived in a hotel on the mainland. Her room had a balcony (window at the house). She did not dare to travel over to the island, where her friend lived, because there had been so many misunderstandings (strong movement of waves) lately between both of them. By chance she met a very friendly man, a little younger than her, who was good-looking and likewise proud (the tiger). He fell in love with the woman. Indeed the woman was able to develop erotic feelings (bite of the tiger) towards another man after a long time of solitude. However, she was not sure whether the feeling was strong enough to finally forget about her friend (the whale fish), who she still loved very much (the deep sea). After several weeks back home she realised that the affair with the young man had been only a fire in the straw. The feelings towards her friend on the island behind the sea still were too strong (the whale in the sea appeared to the woman very beautiful and powerful in the dream). Then the woman kept quiet in not phoning the young man any more (remained calm after the bite). This is why the young man gave up on her and disappeared from her life (the tiger had vanished). However, the woman did feel pity (the pain), because it had not functioned.
What does it mean, an ivory gate? If we imagine ivory, this precious material, which is used for piano keys and carved work and obtained by elephant tusk, everybody knows how beautiful and durable it is. A gate, a threshold, a passage between two areas made of this raw material therefore can only mean that this doorway is of a very high quality. It seems to be rather noble and shining, but it is also strong and impermeable. Just like as if this gate was leading to a Grand Kingdom. Naturally, it can be opened or stay closed, if necessary. Let us keep up with the imagination of a kingdom in order to understand that there are not only watchers at the gate but also rings of security do exist behind and in front of the walls. Such a picturesque fantasy may be a little help to comprehend the explanations of Sigmund Freud M. D. (1856 - 1939) concerning the different levels of consciousness: the sub-consciousness, the doorway to the pre-consciousness with its watcher, the consciousness. It is not possible to understand dreams without the precise knowledge in which way the sub-consciousness has an effect on the consciousness and vice versa. It again fits in the imagination of a Kingdom: the King has a strong effect on his people, but sometimes also the people has on the King. Where do dreams come from, where is the dream production area? When you fall asleep, you take with the sleep all the things that happened during daytime. Then a fertile exchange between consciousness and sub-consciousness can take place, because the ego is now unable of control any longer. Actually nobody can deny that sleeping represents a certain kind of unconsciousness which one cannot steer by the free will. Sleep happens to us. The sub-consciousness, like in the story of the Kingdom with its ruler, gives us order to do so. You can still rebel for a while, just like the opressed people can disobey in any way with the command of the King, by drinking a cup of coffee or something like that. However, at a certain point of time sleep conquers every one of us. As if the King has sent out his troops in order to take us by force to rest. Thoughts about what happened during daytime are now unhindered to communicate with the sub-consciousness. A virtuous exchange takes place. As if there was a market place of life, studies will be carried out now, comparisons drawn, advertisement hung up. Declarations are spoken out, a vital discussion about advantages and disadvantages takes place. To whom is all this of any service? To us, to our ego. We are everything this is all about. You must not forget that the sub-consciousness only wishes the best for you and knows what you can bear and how many revelations it can send you over, so that you care of them when you are awake. If you do not remember nice dreams, because you never paid attention to them and therefore forget them at once, the sub-consciousness is going to create more strange scenes to let you remember the dream. Many dream sequences only rise up, because the sub-consciousness