Alex Hale

The Journey to the Land of Trees

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      ISBN 978-5-0059-1064-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Johnny is a talking tree.

      Jessica, cheerful girl, 11 years old, long, blond hair, blue eyes, sweet smile, sonorous voice, Jessica had a younger brother, Charlie, he was three years younger than Jessica, but smart beyond his years, brown-eyed brown-haired, serious. Patrick and Emily Edwards, were colleagues, worked in the same construction company, where they met, Patrick was a serious, modest young man, blue-eyed brown-haired, having buried his beloved grandmother, Mary, Patrick stood near the grave and recalled how his grandmother took custody of him, she lived in the country, Patrick liked the country life. He loved the dishes she cooked. It was raining, but even rain could be distinguished from the tears that were running down his cheeks. Colleagues approached him. Among which was a brown-eyed blonde, of medium height, she approached him and whispered something, he looked at her and sighed, Patrick’s parents died in a car accident, David andBarbara was at the doctor that day, they found out that they would soon become parents, Patrick was their adopted son, David always discussed everything with his wife, including the idea of adopting a child, Barbara’s friend worked in an orphanage, she handed over a list of documents necessary for adoption, explaining to them the procedure, they were ready to wait as long as needed, the main thing is to feel like parents, to give a family to a child. When they arrived to see the children, it seemed to Barbara that she was hooked on something, looking around, she saw a touching picture, a boy of three years old, held her by the dress, then she heard from the lips of the child what she dreamed of hearing more than anything in the world, one word … “Mom”. . She approached the boy, sat down and wiped her tears, she said, although it was more likely a request.. “Repeat, I beg you.” The boy repeated, “Mom.” Barbara hugged the boy and cried. The choice fell on him. The adoption process was long and David and Barbara were looking forward to the moment when Patrick would appear in their house, there would be children’s laughter, there would be toys, family holidays, picnics. When this touching moment came, David and Barbara were very worried, Patrick entered the house, a loud nursery, joyful laughter was heard in all rooms. A huge guest room, a sofa in the middle of the room, a table. The guest bedroom was next, also on the first floor was David’s study, on the second floor there were two more rooms, the bedroom of David and Barbara, a children’s room, there was a wardrobe in the corner, it had everything necessary for the child, books, toys, baby bed. It seemed that Patrick’s life had changed and now he has a family, it did not last long..David and Barbara were in for a surprise, they learned that they would soon have a baby. They wanted to please Patrick, who was left with his grandmother, but did not arrive. A car accident claimed their lives, so Patrick lost his adoptive parents, staying with his grandmother. After the death of his grandmother, Patrick inherited a house and a farm in the village. Patrick liked communication with Mary, she supported him, thus preventing him from being alone with thoughts about the death of his adoptive parents and grandmother. He began to smile, enjoy life, and after the wedding and the birth of two children, he stopped being gloomy at all. But the serious expression still remains. But it was more of a habit.Two years later, when Jessica was 13,cancer took her mother’s life. For Patrick, the death of life was another test, which, as he thought, he was unlikely to be able to cope. He didn’t know what to do, he was desperate. Remembering the house in the village and the farm, Patrick decided to talk to the children. Jessica is already 13, and Charlie is not small either. In addition, everything is not perfect at school for children, there are no friends, and relationships with classmates do not add up. And in the village there is a school, the neighbors are good.Jessica came from school in a bad mood, followed by Charlie, ran up the stairs to the second floor, by the expression on the faces of the children, Patrick realized that he needed to talk to them about moving to the village. Half an hour later he went up the stairs and knocked on the door. Then he slowly opened the door and entered the room. Jessica sat on the bed, wiping her tears, and crumpled notebooks lay on the floor. He walked over to his daughter, sat down in front of her, “Would you like to move into grandma’s house?” Patrick asked, slightly worried. Girl don’texpected to hear this question from him, she thought that he likes life in the city, he has a job in the city and a good salary. After thinking it over, she gave a positive answer because she was fed up with the ridicule of her classmates. Lying on the bed, pretending to be asleep, Charlie jumped up. His face lit up, a smile appeared on him that had not been there for a long time. He walked over to Patrick and hugged him. It wasn’t surprisingThe hardest thing was Charlie, relationships with classmates, the attitude of teachers, all this in total contributed to the fact that he liked Patrick’s idea. On Sunday, Patrick called several colleagues and told them about the move. Bob, Mark and Steve arrived, along with colleagues, Patrickpacked his bags, only Patrick knew what was going on inside him. Sadness, boredom, pain, a little joy, the hope that there, in the village, everything would be different, all this was mixed up in him. He sighed for the last time, silently closing the door. The family rode for a long time, only at night, having reached the village, tired. They happily entered the house. On the ground floor there was a small living room, not far from it a spacious kitchen, then a bathroom, two spare rooms. One of them was David’s office, he worked when he came to visit his mother. Wooden staircase, second floor, on the second floor there were two bedrooms, a children’s room, and also a favorite attic. Where Jessica and Charlie sometimes hid from their parents by playing hide and seek. Patrick went to the kitchen, he took out from the bag, with the products that he bought on the way, the products. “Jessica, Charlie, go to the kitchen, dinner is ready! – With the last of his strength, shouted Patrick. The children did not have to wait long, hungry, tired, Jessica and Charlie were soon in the kitchen. As Jessica and Charlie sat down to Patrick’s right and left, they looked atlike they were expecting something special from him, Patrick realized that they had noticed him buying chocolate bars. He smiled and said, “Don’t rush, whoever finishes the porridge will get sweets and juice.“After the death of his grandmother, parents and Emily, children became the meaning of his life. And he decided that he would be not only a father, but also a friend. He will support them in everything, will not regret anything for them. Now he only has them. He thoughtfully looked at them, in the eyes of Patrick there was sadness and emptiness, and in his soul there was also fear.. Fear of the future, because he did not know what to do next, how to cope with everything that had fallen on him. This burden pressed on him, sometimes, being alone with himself, he looked at photographs of his parents, grandmother and wife, and talked to them. How he misses them, he talked about his pain and fear of the future.. But he did not show his weakness, pain to the children, he tried to hold on. After dinner, he took chocolate bars and juice out of the bag and gave them to Jessica and Charlie. He bought himself a bar with a bottle of juice, Patrick did not drink alcohol, as did his late wife Emily. In the morning, Patrick had to take the children to school, he was worried and hoped that in the localschool, Jessica and Charlie will have no problems. Here comes the morning, childrenhave already descendedstairs. And Patrick made them breakfast. He remembered how, as a child, Barbara made him sandwiches in the morning, he missed his parents. He made sandwiches for the children according to his mother’s recipe. ““Children, quickly everyone in the car, a new school is waiting for you and I hope that you will not have problems in this school!”” said Patrick. They drove for about twenty minutes, the school was almost like a city school. All three were worried, but Patrick tried to support the children. As they walked down a long corridor, Patrick knocked on the headmaster’s door. ““Mrs. Fisher, I’m Patrick Edwards, I called you about the children..”” Patrick shouted in a trembling voice. The door opened, in front of them, holding the handle, stood a tall woman, about forty-five years old. The serious, stern expression on her face frightened even Patrick. Clara Fisher – that was the name of the headmistress, silently went into the office. Patrick followed her, followed by Jessica and Charlie. ““This is my daughter Jessica, she is 13 years old, she is capable, and this is Charlie, he doesn’t talk much, he’s very smart, their mother died, Emily had cancer. I could not live in the city, in the house in which we lived as a family, in the city school the children had problems, with classmates, there was a house in which my father grew up. We just moved here, I’m surethere is a completely different atmosphere in the local school, Mrs. Fisher, you said when I called you, I was worried, but I also understood that the children now had only me left and to help