in Love with an Aquarius: Don’t Trust a Libra
Volume 1
Anastasiia Deniz Mitchell
© Anastasiia Deniz Mitchell, 2022
ISBN 978-5-0059-2947-1
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Anastasiia Deniz Mitchell
Don’t Fall in Love with an Aquarius:
Don’t Trust a Libra
Volume 1
All the characters of this book and the correspondence included in the plot are fictional.
Any resemblance to a coincidence is accidental.
This is a story of two people whose fate leads them to a possible encounter. After a few years of penpalling, they decide it is high time for them to meet in person. However, is it so simple? Nevertheless, let me note that none of them has admitted so far that they have wanted it very much, and that each of them has been steady in the purpose under quite a different pretext.
My name’s Aziza, and I’m from Kazan, Russia. The city near Moscow. I don’t know what you consider by the word «near’, though. Eight hundred and twenty-two kilometers. Twelve hours to get to either side by car.
It’s not a memoir. It’s much more. It’s about a person whom I value more than anyone else from my friend list.
You’d think I’m mad. I don’t think I actually am.
What happened during the story turned my life upside down and made me realize all my mistakes.
His name is Emre. We met online, on Facebook¹. By the way, I wrote him first. I was looking for someone who’d help me learn Greek. I love the language. He indicated that he lived in Athens.
1. Facebook is a social network officially forbidden in Russia since January 2022.
So, I wrote him.
28 August 2017
Me: Hello! My name’s Aziza. I’m from Kazan, Russia. Could you help me with learning your native language, please? I adore Greek, so it’d be really kind of you if you didn’t refuse to aid me! Thanks in advance!
Emre: Hello, Aziza! Nice to meet you! Of course, I would love to help you! But I’m afraid I’m not a native Greek, and haven’t actually been there!
Me: Wow! Where are you from, then?
Emre: I’m from Ankara, Turkey.
Turkey? At least, I will get to know someone from Turkey!
I’ve travelled to Turkey with my family many times, but there was no one to get acquainted with.
Me: Wow! Indeed? That’s great to hear!
Emre: Right! Summer is almost over. So, what’re you going to do?
Me: Well, I’ll go to university.
Emre: Wow! Me too!
Me: Where at?
Emre: In Ankara. I’m a mechanical engineer.
Me: As for me, I’m an English student! Here, in Kazan.
Emre: Wow! Good! And I’m studying English. Just studying.
Me: Amazing! In our country, people don’t know English really well.
Emre: Haha, I see.
Me: Okay, I must go now. Let’s talk later. Bye!
I needed to help my mum. I had no dad. They got divorced when I was three years old. I was going to be a fourth-year student. In Russia, English students have to do a five-year undergraduate course to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree.
8 September 2017
Emre: Hey! Where are you?
Me: Sorry for the late reply! I’ve been rather busy these days! What are you doing?
The first days at university were really tough. A lot of homework. Demanding teachers. And all that jazz.
Emre: I’m watching an anime. How was your day? What did you do today?
Me: Well, I’ve finished doing my homework. Also, today, I went for a walk.
Emre: I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you take a photo of a street in Kazan? I’d like to see what streets in Russia look like.
Me: Ah, haha, okay. I’ll take a selfie tomorrow.
Emre: You don’t need to take a selfie. Just a photo of any street.
Me: Ah, okay. No worries.
Emre: But if you want to send a selfie, it’ll be good for me. Haha. I will see you.
Me: Haha. Right.
Emre: Have you ever heard of «Owari No’?
Me: No. What’s this?
Emre: It’s an anime.
Me: Ah, I see. Not yet.
Emre: I can guess you don’t have enough time, but I think you should watch it. But, actually, I know a few animes much better than this.
Me: I hope so.
Emre: Thank you.
Me: Welcome.
Emre: Good night.
9 September 2017
Emre: Oh, the correct phrase is «good afternoon’!
Me: Good afternoon is a time period between 12 am and 10 pm. Lol.
Emre: Oke.
Me: How’s your life?
Emre: What does it mean?
Me: It means «how are you’.
Emre: Oh. I’m fine. But a little but bored. But again, I’m fine. And you?
Me: Why bored?
Emre: Because I’m just sitting. Haha. And you? I don’t have any classes today…
Me: As for me, I had a class today.
Emre: Really? Oh my gosh…
Me: Yup. French grammar.
Emre: Wait, today’s the weekend!
Me: Yup. But not Sunday. Lol.
Emre: Wow! Bonjour, matmazel!
Me: Mademoiselle.
Emre: Oke. My French is over. Haha.
Me: Have you studied it before?
Emre: No, I just watched some movie… I ate a pepper. And it’s too hot. Omg.
Me: Poor you. It’s +18 Celsius here. What’s the temperature over there?
Emre: Oh, you’ve misunderstood.
Me: Seems like this. Haha.
Emre: Sorry. I had eaten a pepper, and I realized it was a cayenne pepper… So…
Me: Never mind… Omg.
Emre: It’s oke now.
Me: Hope you feel better now.
Emre: Yup. I’ve drunk some water.