Arsen Avetisov

The Power of Narrative Intelligence. Enhancing your mind’s potential. The art of understanding, influencing and acting

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e Power of Narrative Intelligence

      Enhancing your mind’s potential. The art of understanding, influencing and acting

      Arsen Avetisov

      Translator Gregory Attaryan

      Editor Gregory Attaryan

      © Arsen Avetisov, 2024

      © Gregory Attaryan, translation, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0064-5354-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      The book focuses on the role of human intelligence in the modern world; in particular, on the role of one of the most important, narrative, intelligence. The book allows the readers to take a fresh look at their previous experience and background, their present, and build up the desired future.

      The work is compiled from the author’s most popular lectures and programmes on the development of intelligence, the role of intelligence in human behaviour and its use in business.

      Recent discoveries in neurophysiology and anthropology, an unbiased view of the history and civilisation, have contributed to the emergence of new, more technological solutions in the development of and influence on personal behaviour.

      Presenting the material in a vibrant and down-to-earth style, the author shares ways and methods to cultivate narrative intelligence, opening a world of opportunities for anyone. An original outlook on the phenomena of emerging crises and the anthropogenic factors shows the true causes of human decisions, actions, and behaviour. The described technique affects all levels of processes in human communities – from family and corporate to national.

      The book is intended for entrepreneurs, business people, managers, CEOs, all those who want to be part of the equation a conscious person = a free person. For all those who want to understand, influence, act, and empower their minds.

      About the Author by the Author

      I am, by my first profession, a doctor. You can think about it as a mission, but to a greater extent, it is a way of life, an algorithm of thinking, true spirituality and practical cynicism at the same time.

      Doctors mainly concentrate on the human being as a biological species, as an organisation of tissues, cells, and biochemical reactions. But when you watch a person think, dream, make decisions, and act, you come to the conclusion that he or she soberly combines a creator and a destroyer in one person. Exploring this contradiction is always incredibly interesting. And the profession is not important here.

      As an entrepreneur, coach, management and human resources specialist, I have authored a dozen books and pioneered several innovative techniques. Throughout my two decades of career in senior positions, I have successfully applied these practices in actual business settings.


      I often find myself thinking how lucky I am that the Lord has sent me on such an interesting journey. To say that I am grateful is equal to unconvincing silence. An amazing road with loyal companions: family, friends and sympathisers. They are so original and inimitably predictable that I feel as if I have met them in another life. Each of them has contributed to this book.

      I am grateful to my parents for giving me the opportunity to fulfil my mission. An exceptional combination of genetic material in a special ratio and shape. Heaven knows best.

      Many thanks to the patience and love of my spouse, who allowed me to deal consistently with both what I already have and what I can still create. Her love and care have been endlessly inspiring me to more and more creative deeds and achievements.

      I appreciate the demanding efforts of my children, who have served as the best example for my ongoing development.

      Special thanks to my editor and translator, who happens to be my old friend, for his witty comments and all-round skills.

      Thanks to all my friends for their dedication, eternal values, emotions, sincerity, passion, optimism and musicality, which allow us to create in unison. They motivated me, inspired me, and opened up new horizons.

      I also want to thank my homeland and all the countries I am connected with. The country where I was born and raised, the country where I got my first profession, met my love and where my children were born, the country where I found a new job, established myself as a specialist and person, the country where I live now. Thank you for your multitude and differences, as sources of historical responsibility and independence from your history.

      I thank Him for not leaving us at all times.


      No more secrets.

      If you try, you have two options: it will work or it will not.

      If you don’t try, there’s only one option.

      We live in a difficult time of permanent revolutions. From colour to informational, when the colour ones themselves become the result of informational ones. We live in a world of marketing, a world of advertising, a world of small hopes and big disappointments. We are constantly talking about a revolution in our consciousness, which, frankly, turns out to be a revolution in the way we consume.

      In 2006, Australian producer Rhonda Byrne published her book The Secret, which sold over 30 million copies and was made into a film. The author gives step-by-step instructions on how to use the secret. Knowing the secret helps those who possess it to create the happiest, most joyful and prosperous life. Collecting the statements of famous thinkers, scientists, inventors and philosophers, on topics from quantum physics to religion, the author sought everywhere confirmation of her ideas about the knowledge and power of the secret.

      But is there a secret? Maybe we do not want to admit to ourselves that there is no secret? Throughout history, people have tried to shift their responsibility to their ignorance. It is enough just to study and accept ourselves as we are. Alive, with our own instincts and desires, carried away by fairy tales and stories, and then convincing ourselves and our surroundings of our own high mission. Perhaps, everything that we fill our lives with, the meanings we put in them, is only because we cannot admit either to ourselves or to others that we have come with a very simple mission – to live.

      All our lives, we choose different models of our mission that best suit our abilities, circumstances, and what we have already thought up and believed in. There are big doubts about the latter because all this could have been thought up for us and presented to us in such a way that we took it for our own. And since we do not really know what we are made up of, how and why we believe, act, think and want, it is quite easy to deal with us and easy to use us too. For example, to invent secrets and then to share them.

      However, today humanity has accumulated enough knowledge about everything and everyone. There are no more secrets. All that remains is to talk about what really shapes our thinking, desires, and behaviour. Our talents and abilities are just tools for survival. Everything else that has been invented is beautiful packaging and presentation.

      We have long been mistaken about everything. What we are here for, what we want, and what we do. We have not realised that all those who influence us are skilfully created programmes made up of words, emotions, and ideas that, if they contain a part of the real world, then in no less proportion they contain the interests and goals of those around us.

      How our consciousness works, how our behaviour is formed, how we learn and choose a job, how can we be convinced of anything, and how are we programmed? And, most importantly, how can all this be changed? How can we make the secrets of our intelligence become an everyday tool for us, a familiar technology, a proven recipe for a unique process called life? Because life is worth it. With this knowledge, we can finally fill most of our lives with the happiness and prosperity we deserve.

      Allow yourself to take the first step on an inspiring journey in which we will discover the immense power of our minds and learn how to use it to build