Dave Thompson

Like Life! Easiest way to live effectively

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>Easiest way to live effectively

      Dave Thompson

      © Dave Thompson, 2017

      ISBN 978-5-4485-3201-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system




      You hold in your hands a book that is written EXCLUSIVELY FOR you. In fact it is not a book – and a conversation with you.

      On the topic of efficiency.

      Live expert conversation.

      Written normal hands, but with errors.

      The same as you. I may be your identical twin


      You’re on the right track.

      You’ve probably already noticed that most of the smart psychologists write some obvious shit with a straight face and clever tongue?

      Say, modality… P

      resposible.. Programming mentality.

      Time management.

      It’s all from evil.

      I am sure that you already figured that out.

      Well. The book released in VERY limited quantities TO a few people.

      Those who understand that where conventional psychology tries to fuck us.

      In this book you will find the recipe:


      I’ll give this recipe right now You to Hit.

      Constantly and relentlessly.

      But not just to hit and in the same direction. Discarding all superfluous.

      Forgetting all that circles about success and failure.

      Without time management.

      Without the discipline. Without psychology.

      Without hemorrhoids.

      With a smile. – so vkayf was! To pleasure you received. And as you read – see this.


      I thank all students of the project “Efficiency of 1.0” for the feedback.

      Girlfriend Oksana for the rest.

      Personal effectiveness


      Most authors of books on psychology says that you need something to plan.

      The need to “prioritize”, “visualize success”, “to strengthen your vision” and to do God knows what.

      Psychologists claim that only rounded individuals can achieve happiness and harmony.

      And in confirmation of draw some sort of circle where family, career, business and relationships with sex equal roles, and You’re such a harmonious, well it’s fucking simple.

      And under all that sauce sold by type – if you’re not harmonious and you have a bias in favor of career – you need to rectify all other aspects of life.

      They say to achieve harmony and success.

      The prioma about the harmony and success of the writing absolutely do not understand the authors.

      Assholes in the seventh knee.

      Bought or have passed various trainings NLP master and so on.

      Shit on the harmony of the whole. Fuck this is a wheel where everything is harmonious in your life.

      There are no two fingerprints on this planet as no two Odinokova people.

      And because the relationship for me is not the same as the relationship for you and that’s something else for three times the patient psychologist.

      (This is how much you need to be bruised head to volunteer to study at the faculty of psychology for 5 years!)

      Remember, psychologists are sick, hurt people. More patients than their customers.

      Psychologist? Any psychologist is the patient of a Psychiatrist.

      That’s where the power! Unbalanced? A few magic pills and the man turns into fully materialized vegetable.

      Life is beautiful.

      What am I? And besides, what the fuck do you not have to be fully developed.

      It’s a waste of time and blur strength

      Pick that one thing: you can be a successful money – so you can buy yourself and friends and whores and samorealizatsii with all the regalia.

      And for a modest fee you any psychologist will tell you that you are self-realized person.

      Wanna – be successful in a relationship is through them you will gain money and friends and everything you want.

      Want a commitment to health. Do something. And hit anyone who does not agree with you.

      Can become anyone, in a word.

      And through THIS, what you proaress to everything else EASILY.

      Not so and the Reaper, and the reader, and the dude igrets – khuyatina propagana. Only with lists and graphics would be confused.

      And even some sort of droch happen…

      Don’t listen to nobody. Talk itself. Psychologists and psychopaths – are one. All the cure the psychiatrist.

      Think with your head. And read the book on. So you can save yourself 10 years of not having filled the extra cones and not paying not a bit of nerves.

      Be happy word

      Just fucked up.

      I want to live? Read on!

      The worst case inefficiency

      MY CASE


      I’m the same as you.

      You don’t see that the book type.

      Vigorous – baton.

      Now to publish a book can be almost any monkey – at least I had not gone far.

      I – the most egregious case of personal ineffectiveness.

      Because in the period from 14 to 20 years were taken for any reason.

      Nichrome and generally in no way succeeded.

      But scurried around a lot exactly the same as I do, young men with burning eyes…

      …and many did:

      who is 20 years old and already had the money. Someone – Tits. And not his own.

      And someone both.

      And I (that’s me) was not.

      And a question:

      And as if all this Tits+ money+ social status to get?

      Most of the training sessions offered such as “draw” – show how good you are, nasty in the ears.

      Dressed in Zara (Top, blah).

      Then buy Nokia Sirocco is noneshnim the iPhone 7 was…

      And click it – Sirocco.
