otes on Philippine Birds Collected by Governor W. Cameron Forbes / Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, Vol. LXV. No. 4
In the last decade former Governor-General W. Cameron Forbes has presented to the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy three large collections of Philippine birds. One of these was made in 1911, another in 1913, and the third and finest collection in 1921 while, with General Leonard Wood and Colonel Gordon Johnston, Mr. Forbes was on an official tour of inspection of the islands.
On the excursions which resulted in the gathering together of these collections Mr. Forbes was sometimes accompanied by General Leonard Wood, the Honourable Dean C. Worcester, and Dr. Richard C. McGregor, and he had also the expert assistance of Mr. A. Celestino.
During the spring and summer of 1921 Governor Forbes and party visited most of the islands of the group. Bird collecting was carried on with enthusiasm by all the members of the party on every possible occasion, but stops at the different islands were at best limited to a few days and official business had, of course, precedence. The collections therefore while large, interesting, and fairly representative are by no means exhaustive.
The following notes, which include descriptions of five new forms, are based on the three collections.
I am under great obligations to Dr. Chas. W. Richmond and Mr. J. H. Riley of the United States National Museum for making some comparisons in Washington and for giving me data from other specimens in the collections under their care.
Twelve specimens, both sexes, mostly fully adult, Lake Liguasan, Mindanao, March and August.
The Comb-crested Jacana has been found in the Philippine Islands, apparently only in Mindanao. Specimens from that island I am unable in any way to distinguish from one skin in the M. C. Z. from Celebes, the type-locality of the species. Mr. J. H. Riley writes me that he has lately compared three specimens from Celebes with one from Mindanao with the result that he could find no differences. It is safe therefore to refer the Philippine bird to the typical form.
Three specimens, two males and a female, from Mindanao, March and August.
These belong, as of course was to be expected, to the decidedly small form of Australia, Java, Celebes, etc., the range of which must be extended to include the Philippines as well.
Five adults, both sexes, Tubbataba Reef, Sulu Sea, August, 1913.
The Blue-faced Booby, which breeds in the Tubbataba Reef in the Sulu Sea is indistinguishable, so far as I can see, from the Australian form.
The color of the bill and feet was not noted on the labels of Gov. Forbes's birds; in the dry specimens the bill is pale yellow and the feet are dull greenish black.
Six specimens, two adult males in full breeding plumage, three adult females and one immature male, from Cavilli and Bancoran Islands, Sulu Sea, March and September.
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