p>Stephen Cole, Gareth Digby, Christopher Fitch, Steve Friedberg, Shaun Qualheim, Jerry Rhoads, Michael Roth, Blaine Sundrud
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Official: Study Guide – Associate Exam
Stephen Cole, Gareth Digby, Christopher Fitch,Steve Friedberg, Shaun Qualheim, Jerry Rhoads,Michael Roth, Blaine Sundrud
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ISBN: 978-1-119-37743-6 (ebk.)
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The authors would like to thank a few people who helped us develop and write the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Official Study Guide – Associate Exam.
First and foremost, a very big thank you to all of our friends and families who put up with us spending weekends, evenings, and vacations creating content, writing questions, and reviewing each other’s chapters. Their flexibility, patience, and support made this book a reality.
Thank you to Nathan Bower and Victoria Steidel, the technical writers at AWS who reviewed and edited every single piece of content. They were always willing to review content, and their due diligence kept us on schedule. Their wisdom made us all better writers.
We could not have written this book without the help of our friends at Wiley. Gary Schwartz, Project Editor, provided valuable advice that kept us on track with our deliverables. Additionally, we were guided by Kezia Endsley, Copy Editor, who further refined our content to make the various chapters written by the many authors, flow into one cohesive piece of work.
A special thanks to Eli Schilling, Biff (yes that’s his real name) Gaut, and Brian Wagner. Eli gathered the group of authors to write this book, Biff provided us much needed foresight, as he had co-authored the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Official Study Guide, and Brian helped us write some last-minute questions for the online practice exams.
Lastly, we want to thank all the Solutions Architects and Technical Trainers at AWS who participated in certification blueprint development, question writing, review sessions, and the development of a world-class certification program for cloud practitioners that is setting the standard for our industry. #LearnAndBeCurious
About the Authors