Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое

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It could even be assumed that Vladimir’s baptism with «fire and sword» was an unfortunate misunderstanding, at the time when (988) the message spread that the Apocalypse would take place in the Millennium of the Nativity of Christ; and, therefore, the conversion of pagans into Christians should be accelerated by all means, for their own good. But no. The patriarch and the sovereign, after consulting with each other, again do everything their own way. Many poods of anathematized sacred Russian books are sent to the fire.

      It must be understood that ritual has the highest value for people of the Middle Ages. The performance of the ritual in its original version seems to be akin, let’s say, to the control of the aircraft. Only when the pilot presses the buttons according to all instructions, the airplane flies, and delivers the person to the destination – in Paradise. Many people who want to save their souls depart from the latest regulations, even under pain of death. Sometimes the intensity of the struggle of the authorities with their own, sincerely believing subjects reaches the heat of persecution of heretics (and real sorcerers) by the Spanish Inquisition. In total, twelve or fifteen thousand ancient believers perish during the reign of the «Tishayshiy», Feodor and Tsarevna Sophia. Peter the First, in the Galantian century that has already opened, largely alleviates the fate of these persecuted, however, imposes a double tax on them, and still, under pain of cruel punishment, forbids building their own temples (and sending rituals to the already existing ones). A number of state fines for non-attendance of the confession, improper appearance during the hearing of the service, etc., charged by a «good man» attached to the temple are introduced. Church hierarchs are entitled to salaries from the treasury. If earlier the lower parish clergy were selective – parishioners chose from their environment a suitable person (usually from spiritual families) and were sent with a charter to be «put» to the local hierarch, now they are no more.

      The colorful vagrant «sacrificial» clergy disappears completely – from the abbots of small parishes, at times freely engaged in the service of prayer at home, the blessing of the meal, the reading of Sorokoust, etc. The spiritual rank is now firmly attached to the place of service. And, finally, the priest is obliged to help the government in the search and catching those who do not approve of the king’s activities, even if this leads to the discovery of the sacred mystery of confession.

      Monks are ordered to reside in monasteries «non-existent», any exit to the walls of the institution (two, three hours) can occur only on the written (with seals) permission of the abbot.

      According to the «Spiritual Regulations» of Peter the Great, the spiritual schools of the seminary (from the Latin seminarium – nursery school) are being created. As we study the potential priests in such schools, we know, in particular, from N. Pomyalovsky’s book Essays on Bursa.

      As a logical result, between the flock and the shepherds stands a wall of alienation and misunderstanding. The clergy is locked in itself, not refreshed by the influx of new forces from outside, it becomes just such an aspiring clan to survive.

      To top it all off (not without the influence of Stolypin’s activities, obviously), the state is destroying the rural community, by and large, which is the original source of morality and religiosity.

      Just as a branch of the state, the ROC supports an unpopular war with (far from being a fascist, quite Christian) Germany, urging the people to certainly bring it «to the victorious end.»

      Before the October Revolution, there are 54,000 churches in Russia. But, most importantly, these are people. The parishioners, many of whom are languishing in total poverty, dull workers’ hostels, are leaving the church. A completely different cult awaits them.

      The Russians. Admittedly, the common affiliation to this ethos does not at all alleviate the contradictions between the poor and the rich, educated and illiterate, nobles, the bourgeoisie, workers and peasants. Similar is possible in the countries of Central Europe – England, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland… The German worker in an interview with the capitalist, from which he intends to improve working conditions, also adds something like: «We are with you both soldiers, genosse …". It works. In Russia, the words «We are Russians» mean practically nothing. For many centuries, Russian kings have annexed large territories. Residents of the newly-acquired areas of the Empire at the same time (those who lost the war), at the caprice of the monarch, have freedoms, opportunities, in general, higher than the indigenous inhabitants of the central regions. A wealthy Caucasian mountaineer can easily buy a Russian girl for his use – quite decent – if only he had the money.

      Strictly speaking, only noblemen have the right to acquire slaves, or merchants of higher guilds. But, at some desire, all the conventions can be easily settled with the help of intermediaries, transferring the living goods to the buyer so to speak, «in service.» The ethnonym «Russian» (it’s not even a noun, but an adjective, or a possessive pronoun «who are you?») Is probably spoken with some shame. Russians do not help Russians on the basis of such a cause as a given nationality, or at least they are not inclined to give each other at least any preferences; because in this country the victors are revered as the rulers of the less defeated.

      So, the fact that most of the inhabitants of the Russian Empire belong to one nationality does not in the least prevent the beginning of the Civil War, and most importantly, the Great Terror following it. Slavdom, «Russianness» in this case – a very loose foundation for building strong statehood. The creation of a new race, practically from scratch, with its center of attraction (the distant analogue of Mount Zion), the principles of mutual aid, self-defense, communication with the outside world, taking into account the mistakes of all others who consider themselves messianic, is a potentially interesting new social experiment.

      The Cadets. The Constitutional Democratic Party in Russia began the twentieth century (not to be confused with the Cadets, pupils of secondary military schools), it is also the «Party of People’s Freedom». The motto: «Ability and work for the benefit of the Motherland». It was founded in 1905, its leader, historian by education, Pavel Milyukov. Quote: in case the cadet is elected Minister of the Interior, Milyukov promises to put «guillotines in the squares and ruthlessly crack down on all those who are fighting against the government based on the people’s trust.» The Russian people, in the opinion of P.M. (by the way, a very expensive guest at the British Embassy), wants first of all, the continuation of the war with Germany.

      In March-May 1917, as part of the Provisional Government (in fact, after the dissolution of the Fourth Duma, formed precisely by Pavel Nikolayevich), Miliukov occupies such a popular post. Guillotines in the squares he does not establish, but for reasons unknown to us he gives the Russian embassies the order to facilitate the return of immigrant revolutionaries to Russia. One of them is Lenin, known to the whole world today.

      As is known, in October-November, even after the capture of the Winter Palace by revolutionary sailors, under the pressure of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, as if by inertia, and under the control of the Bolshevik MS Uritsky, preparation for the convocation of the «Constituent Assembly» continues.

      In the all-Russian elections to this Constituent Assembly, on November 12 (25), 1917, the cadets receive 4.7 percent of the vote, that is, two million people, mainly the bourgeoisie and the intelligentsia. By the way, the RSDLP (b) of Lenin acquires 24%, the RSDLP (m) Yu Martov (Tsederbaum) 2.6%, the Socialist-Revolutionaries V. Chernov – 40.4%. But, the Bolsheviks, who have real power over the rather numerous Petrograd garrison (the Petrograd Soviet of Workers «and Peasants’ Deputies), all these results are simply annulled.

      The activities of PM, who invariably want war and the treasured Straits of the «hawk», a monarchist who attacks the monarchy itself, has made a deep split in the government, and contributed a lot to its overthrow. After the October Revolution, more precisely, the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly, in May 1918, having moved to a somewhat more tranquil Kiev, Pavel Nikolayevich was already negotiating with the German command; which is now viewed as a potential ally in the struggle against the Bolsheviks…

      The chief cadet,