>The Ultimate Question
The Theory of Everything
Sergey Okulov
© Sergey Okulov, 2018
ISBN 978-5-4493-2537-2
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
What is happening around us? Who or what rules all that we perceive? What does it depend on? What will happen when our life is over? Why do we suffer and whether this be can avoided? Why injustice takes place in the world? When will our worries be over? What are the “supreme forces” looking at?
The rhythmic influx of suffering and anxiety force us to take a try to investigate what is happening and think about this matter again and again, looking for the guilty.
All the thoughts that we will discuss are not newly invented. They are thousands of years old, and maybe more. No matter who it was – Greek, Chinese or Indian. Let’s try to explore a rather complicated issue without scientific terms and without religious and scientific dogmas. So that our thought could be accepted by any person.
So, here’s what we’ll try to substantiate:
– We are an indivisible eternal unchangeable consciousness.
– All that except this is unconscious matter.
– Our existence does not end after the death of our body.
– Suffering is an integral part of being.
– Ignorance of the structure of the world is the cause of suffering.
– God is the top of the pyramid of hierarchy, but not the creator.
– Everything that happens has an eternal unchanging cycle.
– The concept of sin is a social regulator of society, not a supernatural law.
– All the characters in the universe move strictly on their storylines.
– Freedom of choice does not exist in principle.
– The possibility to exist without suffering for a long time is present, but it is temporary.
Also, we shall discuss other aspects of our life in the course of reflection.
What shall we use for our research? What tools will we use? What will be evident and obvious for any person?
Our immediate personal experience, which any man possesses and a logical conclusion. The logical conclusion is simple without academic difficulties.
After all, each person has ears, skin, eyes, tongue, nose, and the corresponding sensations, and mind. Also, everyone has an ego and intellect. Everyone has these tools for research.
Intellect allows us to compare our experience and draw a logical conclusion.
Some offer a third kind of knowledge through the scriptures, scientific literature, as authoritative evidence. But we are not all familiar with the authors or heroes of these works, and we cannot verify their trustworthiness, so this method is suitable for those who used to believe a word, but this is not appropriate for all.
Whatever we do, about what we think, in one thing we all are similar. We all would prefer to exist without suffering and fear, experiencing comfort and joy.
Let’s try to define such basic questions – who we really are, and what are we here for, and how to get what we desire?
It is not necessary to be a doctor of science, a specialist or a professional philosopher since the basic tools and experience are actually the same for all.
Everyone, interested in these topics, can figure this out. Someone can say that our senses are imperfect, yes, the sense organs are really imperfect, but not the sensations themselves, and the reflections of the intellect are unlimited.
And so, what motivated us to reason or study the issue in general? Discomfort, suffering, anxiety, insecurity, helplessness moves us to constant searching for a way out of this condition.
Let’s define the basic well-known concepts again to bring the meaning of concepts to a common comprehension.
Being and nothingness
Being is that, what is, and nothingness is the opposite state of not existence. The being of something indivisible is eternal, and the being of something complex is temporary. For something indivisible, nothingness is impossible, since it is not subject to change.
For example, for a clay jug, as a compound form, there is only a temporary being that turns into nothingness after the jug is broken, but nothingness is impossible for its constituent particles of matter since they are indivisible.
This is a fairly simple concept. This is what does not have a beginning and an end. This is not a line or a spiral. We do not see this in real life. In our experience, there is no example of infinity. It is observed only in a circle or cycle. What about infinite space? How to understand infinity?
Using the analogy. The outer space flows into the inner space and the inner space into the outer space. This ensures spatial infinity. As a principle of the Möbius loop. This is certainly not a statement, many of readers can disagree, it’s taken only as a variant.
This concept is well known. But nevertheless, we shall specify it. This is something that begins without beginning and lasts endlessly without any interruption. Everything else is temporary.
There are ideas of some thinkers, also there are categories. Lasting without beginning, but having an end, and something, once started and lasting forever. But this can not be attributed to eternity since it does not last in both directions, and therefore, it is temporal. What has a beginning, necessarily has an end. And eternity has neither beginning nor end.
The concept of an infinite ray having a beginning and having no end exists only in theoretical mathematics, but not in reality. This is absent in our experience. Therefore, we will not consider these variants.
We take this division into components from the sankhya, the teachings of the Ancient East. It is very convenient for understanding and includes all the categories known to our experience.
Consciousness is the most complex concept. The elusive, subtle, tangible only when everything that is not its constituent part, is separated by the reflection of the intellect.
Conscious and unconscious. These are two categories by which we can share everything that we know in this world. Conscious is a consciousness, whose nature is to realize. Unconscious is a matter that is incapable of knowing anything.
Consciousness is an observer, a “conscious” of what surrounds him. Someone realizes himself to be a man, a god, an animal, a man, a woman, looking at what kind of body he occupies and observes. Naturally, awareness is impossible without a material body consisting of intellect, ego, feelings and other elements. Consciousness is aware of the matter, and the matter exists for its being realized, seen by consciousness.
Consciousness can be separated by reasoning, but in its pure form, if one removes matter, it can not perform its function – to be aware, for an object is required for this, that is, matter. For example, vision in the absence of light cannot perform its function – to observe objects, although the vision itself does not cease to exist. Therefore, these two dimensions – consciousness and matter, are always in contact.
There is an opinion that consciousness as such does not exist, there