1 A firestorm coming
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war
‘Thank you, Mr Clinton, for the kind words’
Brace yourself for Part Two of the War for Civilisation
The lies leaders tell when they want to go to war
Be very afraid: Bush Productions is preparing to go into action
‘Our guys may kick them around a little…’
2 Publish and be damned? Or stay silent?
So let me denounce genocide from the dock
You’re talking nonsense, Mr Ambassador
Armenia’s 1,500,001st genocide victim
Sneaking a book out in silence
Bravery, tears and broken dreams
A holocaust denier in the White House
3 Words, words, words…
We should have listened to Bin Laden
Poisonous academics and their claptrap of exclusion
The pen, the telex, the phone and the despised e-mail
The forgotten art of handwriting
‘Abu Henry’: what diplomats can get up to
4 Cinema begins to mirror the world
Applause from the Muslims of Beirut
My challenge for Steven Spielberg
We’ve all been veiled from the truth
When art is incapable of matching life
A policeman’s lot is not a happy one
Take a beautiful woman to the cinema
5 The greatest crisis since the last greatest crisis
A long and honourable tradition of smearing the dead
‘Middle East hope!’ – ‘Europe in crisis!’
A poet on the run in Fortress Europe
6 When I was a child… I understood as a child
Another of Arthur’s damned farthings
‘All this talk of special trains…’
7 The old mandates