Henry Harrison Brown

Concentration: The Road To Success & How To Control Fate Through Suggestion

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       Henry Harrison Brown

      Concentration: The Road To Success & How To Control Fate Through Suggestion

       Become the Master of Your Own Destiny and Feel the Positive Power of Focus in Your Life

       Published by



      Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting

       [email protected] 2017 OK Publishing ISBN 978-80-7583-293-1

       Concentration: The Road To Success

       How To Control Fate Through Suggestion

      Concentration: The Road To Success

       Table of Contents


       Introduction. What Is Success?

       I. The "Why" Of The Book

       II. Concentration Is Natural

       III. Paying Attention

       IV. Some Channels Of Waste

       V. I Am Life

       VI. How Shall I Concentrate

       VII. The Will

       VIII. Habits

       IX. "In The Silence."

       X. Compensation Of Concentration

       XI. With Eyes, See Not

       XII. The Ideal

       XIII. Prayer

       XIV. Desire Versus Wish

       XV. Mental Poise

       XVI. Methods Of Concentration

       XVII. Directions For Practice

       XVIII. How To Do It

       XIX. Some Practical Suggestions

       XX. Self-Study And The Law Of Life

       XXI. Special Desires Vs. Principle

       XXII. My One Rule-Agreement

       XXIII. Love

       XXIV. Opinions And Concentration Methods Of Others

       A Parting Word


       Table of Contents

      Syllabled by Silence, let me hear

       The still small voice that reached the prophets's ear.

      - Whittier.

      The thoughtful man needs no armor but this - concentration. * * * * Concentration is the secret of strength in politics, in war, and in all management of human affairs.

      - Emerson.

      The deeper the mind penetrates, the clearer it becomes; the more it spreads itself out on the surface, the more it is confused. * * * * Read less, think more of what you have read. Act toward a difficult task as a brave general who leaves his foe no rest till he has overthrown him.

      - Confucius.

      To Those who during four years of Association Have made every day sunshining through the Affirmation: Heaven Is Mine, Now And Here!

      Introduction. What Is Success?

       Table of Contents

      The force of that mysterious, but irresistible power - Humanity's common and concentrated Thought.

      - Senator Beveridge.

      In what does success consist? Many persons desire to know how to be successful. How to win success. Before this question can be answered there must be an understanding as to what they mean by success, and what success stands for in this Book. I asked a correspondent what he meant by success, and his answer was, "I am in business, and I wish to make money from it!" Another wishes to win an office. Another to outstrip a rival. Another to succeed in her book. And here are two young ladies writing me, one wants to pass an examination in school and the other to learn to ride a bike. This is called success. But it is success without Principle. Success that leaves Life out of count. It is the success of some undertaking. This is not success. One may succeed in any and all these and similar undertakings and yet be a failure.

      Success must be measured by a larger standard. Can we call these U. S. Senators under indictment for breaking the laws; these men of whom Graham Phillips is telling in his "Treason in the Senate;" can we call these millionaires who are under the indictment of public opinion, and these society women who are passing through operations from their doctors, Successes? Can we call the student broken in health, though he wins the valedictory, a success? Success in things may mean failure in Life.

      "How may I succeed in Life?" is the only question that any conscientious metaphysician can answer. He will not answer the questions as to success in any enterprise. Those who attempt this are not metaphysicians