My Journey of Faith: An Encounter with Christ and How He Used Me to Spread His Love to the Poor
Copyright © 2016 Charles Mutua Mulli
All rights reserved
Printed in Canada
International Standard Book Number: 978-1-927355-77-0
ISBN 978-1-927355-78-7 EPUB
Published by:
Castle Quay Books
19-24 Laguna Pkwy, Lagoon City, Brechin, Ontario, L0K 1B0
Tel: (416) 573-3249
E-mail: [email protected] www.castlequaybooks.com
Edited by Marina Hofman Willard and Paul Boge
Proofread by Lori Mackay
Cover design by Burst Impressions
Printed at Essence Printing, Belleville, Ontario
Scripture quotations are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ®. Copyright © 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Mulli, Charles, author
My journey of faith : an encounter with Christ ... and how he
used me to spread his love to the poor / Dr. Charles Mutua Mulli.
ISBN 978-1-927355-77-0 (paperback)
1. Mulli, Charles. 2. Mully Children's Family--Biography.
3. Christian biography--Kenya. 4. Kenya--Biography. I. Title.
HV28.M84A3 2016 362.73'2096762 C2016-900169-5
Praise for My Journey of Faith
In 2003 I, a stranger to Mr. Mulli, sent him a letter offering to transport three of his children across Canada on the back of a modified tandem bike, creating awareness and raising funds for MCF. Three weeks later he replied, “After discussion with my wife, Esther, my biological family, and seeking God’s will through prayer, I believe this to be the beginning of a lifetime partnership.” We were amazed at the faith required to trust a complete stranger with his kids.
As you read My Journey of Faith you, too, will be amazed by his example of unwavering faith in God, inspired to trust God more in your own journey and motivated to put your faith into action.
Arvid Loewen, founder of GrandpasCan, director with MCF Canada
I highly recommend the amazing story of this man and wife of compassion and action. The wealthy, successful Mully family abandoned their earthly riches and social prestige so they could transform despair into radiant hope for the desperate broken street kids of Kenya. Though insane by earthly standards, they were totally sane by God’s standards and very wise investors. Their riches now are not in money or land but in thousands of transformed lives in Kenya and beyond. The future, though not yet written, may be even greater than the past. I am highly honoured to be counted among their friend for many years.
Rev. Jack Hawkins, Minister at Large with OM Canada
Dr. Charles Mulli’s 25th anniversary account, My Journey of Faith, is a remarkable testimony to God’s power and God’s grace in every situation. The unspeakable things Charles Mulli saw and endured were overcome when he accepted Christ and gave his life to God. Charles Mulli’s heart for the children who walk the streets and endure hunger, exploitation and fear, just like he did as a young boy, changed the heart of Africa and beyond. Dr. Mulli’s complete surrender to God and His will allowed Dr. Mulli to be blessed beyond his expectations. There were miracles, one after another, solely because Dr. Mulli believed that anything was possible through Christ. This book is a testimony to us all. It is a walk of faith all of us as Christians benefit from reading. My Journey of Faith brings Dr. Mulli’s journey of faith alive and real to all of us. His story leaves us with inspiration to carry on in tough times because God is real and He is always with us.
Joy Smith, B.Ed., M.Ed., founder and president of The Joy Smith Foundation
Many people dream of doing something that matters, of making a difference in the world, of impacting lives. The incredible truth about Charles’ life is that he is actually doing something that matters; he is making a real difference in this world and he is impacting lives in a most profound way. And how beautiful that Mully Children’s Family all began with a simply act of human kindness and an awareness of those who were suffering in Charles’ community. My Journey of Faith is a very human story. It is a story of suffering and triumph, of compassion and celebration, of self-sacrifice and trust in God.
Marina Hofman Willard, Ph.D., Palm Beach Atlantic University
My wife, Erna, and I visited the Mully orphanage several years ago. We were moved by the love and care for the homeless children of Africa. For us, this book completes the story of why the orphanage exists. Charles Mulli, the founder, tells it with candour and honesty. We read of his call from God to leave his successful business career to rescue children from abject poverty and abuse. The lasting transformation of thousands of children leaves a legacy that glorifies God.
Herb and Erna Buller, Buller Foundation
My Journey Of Faith gives us a personal insight into the challenges Charles Mulli has overcome in his mission of love in rescuing children in Africa. From his difficult beginnings as an abandoned child to becoming successful in business, Charles Mulli describes how God used these circumstances to shape him for his eventual role of being a father to so many fatherless children. He explains how, when circumstances seemed hopeless, he trusted in God. I have personally been amazed at his life. In spite of all the many great accomplishments, his life is one of simple and profound surrender to and reliance on Jesus. And it is this love for Jesus that impacts everything he does. In this book, Charles Mulli shows us that a life of faith is not just for a simple few. Rather, it is accessible to us all. Each of us wants our life to count. And Charles Mulli points us to how that is possible through a relationship with Christ.
Paul H. Boge, author of Father to the Fatherless: The Charles Mulli Story, Hope for the Hopeless: The Charles Mulli Mission, and The Biggest Family in the World
Table of Contents
1. The 25th Anniversary: A Celebration of What God Has Accomplished
2. Humble Beginnings
3. A Call to Respond to the Voice of Suffering Children
4. The Beginning of Mully Children’s Family
5. My Journey of Faith
6. The Plight and Redemption of the Street Children
7. Don’t Praise Me; Praise God!
8. A Mission to Reach Children with the Good News of Jesus
9. Fighting for Justice
10. Responding to Violence: MCF’s Intervention in the Post-Election Violence
11. God Accomplishes More Than We Can Imagine
12. Finishing the Race
13. The Art of Philanthropy
14. Our Divine Calling Expands: Mully University
15. Your Journey of Faith
There is only one valid explanation for a true work of God—it is that God Himself is its source and its strength. Paul wrote in Romans 15:18, “I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished