David K. Beine

Ensnared by AIDS

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      Ensnared by AIDS

      Cultural Contexts of HIV and AIDS in Nepal

      Second edition

      David K. Beine

      SIL International®

      Dallas, Texas

      SIL International®

      Publications in Ethnography


      Publications in Ethnography (formerly International Museum of Cultures Series) is a series published jointly by SIL International and the International Museum of Cultures. The series focuses on cultural studies of minority peoples of various parts of the world. While most volumes are authored by members of SIL International who have done ethnologic research in a minority language, suitable works by others will also occasionally form part of the series.

      Series Editor

      Mike Cahill

      Volume Editors

      Lynn Frank

      Managing Editor

      Bonnie Brown

      Production Staff

      Judy Benjamin, Print Compositor

      Graphic Artist

      Barb Alber

      Cover Photo

      Courtesy of Ram Sarraf, The Himalayan Times

      © 2014 by SIL International®

      ISBN: 978-1-55671-381-1

      ISSN: 0-0895-9897

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without the express permission of the SIL International. However, short passages, generally understood to be within the limits of fair use, may be quoted without written permission.

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      SIL International Publications

      7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road

      Dallas, Texas 75236-5629 USA

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       Preface to the Second Edition

       Preface to the First Edition


       Format of the book

       Background and theoretical underpinnings

       The projects

       The findings

       In their own words



       Part One : Background and Theoretical Underpinnings

       1 : Nepal

       1.1 A brief history of Nepal

       1.2 General cultural features

       1.3 Population demographics

       1.4 Economy

       1.5 Geography

       1.6 Education

       1.7 Medical systems

       1.8 Religion

       1.9 Conclusion

       2 : AIDS

       2.1 AIDS as biomedical fact

       2.1.1 The history of AIDS

       2.2 AIDS as social construction

       2.3 Chapter conclusion

       3 : AIDS in Nepal

       3.1 The epidemiological “facts”

       3.2 Nepali HIV and AIDS literature

       3.3 National HIV and AIDS awareness and prevention programs

       3.4 Emerging HIV and AIDS discourses and cultural models

       4 : Cultural Models, Schema Theory, and Cognitive Methodologies

       4.1 Cultural models—what are they?

       4.2 Schema theory

       4.3 Schemata—what are they?

       4.4 Cultural models of illness and HIV and AIDS

       4.5 The limitations of the cultural model concept

       4.6 Cognitive methodologies

       Part Two : The Projects

       5 : Saano Dumre Revisited: Changing Models of Illness and Cultural Models