
Garland of the Buddha's Past Lives (Volume 2)

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      Artwork by Robert Beer.

      Typeset in Adobe Garamond Pro at 10.25 : 12.3+pt.

      XML-development by Stuart Brown.

      Editorial input from Daniel Balogh, Ridi Faruque,

      Chris Gibbons, Tomoyuki Kono,

      Andrew Skilton & Eszter Somogyi.

      Printed and bound in Great Britain by

      T.J. International, Cornwall, on acid-free paper.

      Copyright © 2009 by the CSL

      All rights reserved.

      First Edition 2009

      The Clay Sanskrit Library is co-published by

      New York University Press

      and the JJC Foundation.

      Further information about this volume

      and the rest of the Clay Sanskrit Library

      is available at the end of this book

      and on the following websites:

      ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-9583-5 (cloth : alk. paper)

      ISBN-10: 0-8147-9583-8 (cloth : alk. paper)

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data


      [Jatakamala. English & Sanskrit]

      Garland of the Buddha’s past lives / by Arya Sura;

      translated by Justin Meiland. -- 1st ed.

      p. cm.

      Miracle stories of the Buddha’s past lives.

      In English and Sanskrit (romanized) on facing pages;

      includes translation from Sanskrit.

      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-9583-5 (cloth : alk. paper)

      ISBN-10: 0-8147-9583-8 (cloth : alk. paper)

      1. Buddhist stories, Sanskrit--Translations into English.

      2. Aryasura--Translations into English.

      I. Meiland, Justin, 1973- II. Title.

      BQ1462.E5M47 2009




       Story 23 The Larger Birth-story of Bodhi 81

       Story 24 The Birth-story of the Great Ape 127

       Story 25 The Birth-story of the Sharabha Deer 153

       Story 26 The Birth-story of the Antelope 173

       Story 27 The Birth-story of the Great Monkey 203

       Story 28 The Birth-story of Kshanti·vadin 227

       Story 29 The Birth-story of Brahma 267

       Story 30 The Birth-story of the Elephant 299

       Story 31 The Birth-story of Suta·soma 327

       Story 32 The Birth-story of Ayo·griha 385

       Story 33 The Birth-story of the Buffalo 413

       Story 34 The Birth-story of the Woodpecker 427

       Notes 445

       Emendations to the Sanskrit Text 455

       Glossary of Common Names, Terms, and Epithets 477

      Sanskrit Alphabetical Order









      Guide to Sanskrit Pronunciation







      vocalic r, American pur-

      dy or English pretty

      lengthened r

      vocalic l, able

      made, esp. in Welsh pro-



      rope, esp. Welsh pronun-

      ciation; Italian solo


      anusvard nasalizes the pre-

      ceding vowel

      visarga, a voiceless aspira-

      tion (resembling the En-

      glish h), or like Scottish

      loch, or an aspiration with

      a faint echoing of the last

      element of the preceding

      vowel so that taih is pro-

      nounced taihi









      aspirated j, hedgehog


      retroflex t, try (with the

      tip of tongue turned up

      to touch the hard palate)

      same as the preceding but


      retroflex d (with the tip

      of tongue turned up to

      touch the hard palate)

      same as the preceding but


      retroflex n (with the tip

      of tongue turned up to

      touch the hard palate)

      French tout

      tent hook




