Islamic Leaders:
(From Muhammad to the present)
Islamic leaders: Their biographies and accomplishments
Copyright 2012 by Saul Silas Fathi
Library of Congress Number:2012915407
ISBN#: 978-0-9777117-6-5 Hardcover
ISBN#: 978-0-9777117-5-8 Tradepaper
Book Design: Elaine Lanmon
Cover design: Daniel Middleton
Art / Photo: iStockPhoto
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
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This book was printed in the United States of America
Other books by Saul Silas Fathi:
A) Full Circle: Escape from Baghdad and the return
ISBN# 978-0-9777117-8-9 (Trade paper)
B) History of the Jews and Israel
ISBN# 978-0-9777117-3-4 (Trade paper)
I owe deep gratitude to Elaine Lanmon and
Nellie Corean for their assistance in typing,
editing and researching this manuscript; for their
patience, their valuable advice and dedication
to this massive project.
Author/Lecturer: Saul Silas Fathi
Saul Silas Fathi was born to a prominent Jewish family in Baghdad, Iraq. At age 10, he was smuggled out of Baghdad through Iran and eventually reached the state of Israel. He began writing a diary at age 11 and had several stories published in Israeli youth magazines. In 1958, he worked his way to Brazil where he nearly starved. In 1960, he came to the U.S. on a student exchange visa. After Basic Training in Fort Benning, Georgia, he was sent to helicopter school at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and there enrolled at the University of Virginia. Within a few months, Saul was shipped to South Korea where he served with the 1st Cavalry Division, 15th Aviation Company, the famed helicopter division in the Vietnam War. Saul retired in 2003 and began writing his memoirs, Full Circle: Escape from Baghdad and the return. Today, he lives in Long Island, New York, with his wife Rachelle. He is also a certified linguist, fluent in English, Hebrew, Arabic, and Portuguese.
Mr. Fathi has lectured at 160+ organizations since 2006, and authored 2 books: “Full Circle: Escape from Baghdad and the return” (ISBN#978-0-977117-8-9) and “History of the Jews and Israel” (ISBN# 978-0-9777117-3-4). Mr. Fathi will be publishing a major book on Islam shortly.
www.saulsilasfathi.com / [email protected]
Abbas I (Abbas the Great), (1557-1629):
Abbas II (Abbas Hilmi) (1874-1944):
Abd Al-Azir ibn Saud (1880-1953):
Abd al-Majid or Abdulmecit (1823-1861):
Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan (646-705):
Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (1077-1166):
Abdul Aziz ibn Abdul Rahman al Saud (1879-1953):
Abdul Ghani, Abdul Aziz (1939- ):
Abdul ilah ibn Ali (1912-1958):
Abdullah I ibn Hussein al Hashem (1882-1951):
Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz al Saud (1923- ):
Abdullah, Sheikh Muhammad (1905-1982):
Abu Al-Abbas Al-Suffah (750-754):
Abu al Qasim Muhammad (….-….):