Lincoln Benedict

How to Analyze People on Sight - The Original Classic Edition

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      The Project eBook, How to Analyze People on Sight, by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict

       Title: How to Analyze People on Sight

       Through the Science of Human Analysis: The Five Human Types

       Author: Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict Release Date: December 4, 2009 [eBook #30601] Language: English


       E-text prepared by Mark C. Orton, Woodie4,

       and the Project Online Distributed Proofreading Team

       ( )

       HOW TO


       Copyright, 1921


       Elsie Lincoln Benedict and

       Ralph Paine Benedict

       All rights reserved



       To the following men and women we wish to express our appreciation for their share in the production of this book:

       To Duren J. H. Ward, Ph. D.,

       formerly of the Anthropology Department of Harvard University, who, as the discoverer of the fourth human type, has added immeasurably

       to the world's knowledge of human science.

       To Raymond H. Lufkin,

       of Boston, who made the illustrations for this volume

       scientifically accurate.

       To The Roycrofters,

       of East Aurora, whose artistic workmanship made it into a thing of beauty.

       And last but not least, To Sarah H. Young,

       of San Francisco, our Business Manager, whose efficiency correlated

       all these and placed the finished product in the hands of our


       THE AUTHORS New York City,

       June, 1921







       CHAPTER I

       The Alimentive Type 37 "The Enjoyer"


       The Thoracic Type 83 "The Thriller"


       The Muscular Type 133 "The Worker"


       The Osseous Type 177 "The Stayer"

       CHAPTER V

       The Cerebral Type 217 "The Thinker"


       Types That Should and

       Should Not Marry Each Other 263


       Vocations for Each Type 311

       What Leading Newspapers Say About Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Her Work

       "Over fifty thousand people heard Elsie Lincoln Benedict at the City Auditorium during her six weeks lecture engagement in Milwaukee."--Milwaukee Leader, April 2, 1921.

       "Elsie Lincoln Benedict has a brilliant record. She is like a fresh breath of Colorado ozone. Her ideas are as stimulating as the health-giving breezes of the Rockies."--New York Evening Mail, April 16, 1914.

       "Several hundred people were turned away from the Masonic Temple last night where Elsie Lincoln Benedict, famous human analyst, spoke on 'How to Analyze People on Sight.' Asked how she could draw and hold a crowd of 3,000 for a lecture, she said:

       'Because I talk on the one subject on earth in which every individual is most interested--himself.'"--Seattle Times, June 2, 1920.

       "Elsie Lincoln Benedict is a woman who has studied deeply under genuine scientists and is demonstrating to thousands at the Auditorium each evening that she knows the connection between an individual's external characteristics and his inner traits."--Min-neapolis News, November 7, 1920.

       "Elsie Lincoln Benedict is known nationally, having conducted lecture courses in many of the large Eastern cities. Her work is based upon the practical methods of modern science as worked out in the world's leading laboratories where exhaustive tests are applied to determine individual types, talents, vocational bents and possibilities."--San Francisco Bulletin, January 25, 1919.

       It's not

       how much you


       know but what you can


       that counts

       [Pg 11]

       Human Analysis--The X-Ray

       Modern science has proved that the fundamental traits of every individual are indelibly stamped in the shape of his body, head, face and hands--an X-ray by which you can read the characteristics of any person on sight.

       he most essential thing in the world to any individual is to understand himself. The next is to understand the other fellow. For life is largely a problem of running your own car as it was built to be run, plus getting along with the other drivers on the highway.

       From this book you are going to learn which type of car you are and the main reasons why you have not been getting the maximum of service out of yourself.

       Also you are going to learn the makes of other human cars, and how to get the maximum of co-operation out of them. This co-operation is vital to happiness and success. We come in contact with our fellowman in all the activities of our lives and what we get out of life depends, to an astounding degree, on our relations with him.

       Reaction to Environment

       The greatest problem facing any organism is successful reaction to its environment. Environment, speaking scientifically, is the sum total of your experiences. In plain United States, this means fitting vocationally, socially and maritally into the place where you are.[Pg


       If you don't fit you must move or change your environment to fit you. If you can't change the environment and you won't move you

       will become a failure, just as tropical plants fail when transplanted to the Nevada desert.

       Learn From the Sagebrush

       But there is something that grows and keeps on growing in the Nevada desert--the sagebrush. It couldn't move away and it couldn't change its waterless environment, so it did what you and I must do if we expect to succeed. It adapted itself to its environment, and there it stands, each little stalwart shrub a reminder of what even a plant can do when it tries!

       Moving Won't Help Much

       Human life faces the same alternatives that confront all other forms of life--of adapting itself to the conditions under which it must live or becoming extinct. You have an advantage over the sagebrush in that you can move from your city or state or country to another, but after all that is not much of an advantage. For though you may improve your situation slightly you will still find that in any civilized country the main elements of your problem are the same.

       Understand Yourself and Others

       So long as you live in a civilized or thickly populated community you will still need to understand your own nature and the natures of other people. No matter what you desire of life, other people's aims, ambitions and activities[Pg 13] constitute vital obstructions along your pathway. You will never get far without the co-operation, confidence and comradeship of other men and women.

       Primitive Problems

       It was not always so. And its recentness in human history may account for some of our blindness to this great fact.

       In primitive times people